No valuables. 29-10. Collar with scapular and cross crape around it. Age eight. Medium size breast-pin above shaped Q with one brilliant set. Age fifteen. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Weight 160. The morgues kept very careful records, but nearly one in three of the victims were never identified. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Brown hair. Gold spectacles. Weight 60 Height 4 feet 4 inches. Male. Dark dress. Child. Watchman at Wire Mill. Blue or hazel eyes. Female. Blue waist, crescent figure. Gray eyes. Age three. Age about four years. Very long black hair, mixed with gray. Pencil Boots with brass heels. Therefore, the official death toll should be 2,208. Ages cannot be estimated. Weight 160. Bracelets and rings duplicates of Miss Well's. Black overcoat with rubber buttons. Reddish brown hair. HORROR STORIES Light hair partly gray. Young lady. Dress wine color with metal buttons. Valuables placed in hand of Mr. Ossenburg, brother-in-law. Initials, I. P. or J. P. Male. Plain ring. Dark hair and stubby beard mixed with gray. Female. Fourteen years old. Light hair. It's a story of great tragedy, but also of triumphant recovery. Plush collar. Ring on third finger of left hand with set. Ring at Fourth Ward Morgue. who'd learned of the Johnstown flood growing up in Pennsylvania. Female. Burnt up almost. G.B. Little boy. About eight years. Female. Boy. They were accused of failing to maintain the dam properly, so that it was unable to contain the additional water of the unusually heavy rainfall. Fair complexion Brown hair Gray eyes. $2.56 money. Black merino stockings. Female Age about six months. Leather boots. Valuables given to his brother James. Washington street, Johnstown, Pa. Gold watch and chain. Female. Button shoes. Barred woolen pantalettes with waist. Black basque. Plyers. Small button shoe spring heel. Short white hair. Pocketbook. Butchered husbands, slaughtered wives Height 4 feet 6 inches. Two rings, one bearing initial "A." Full beard three-fourths gray. Tin tobacco tabs. Identified by the father. Large buckeye in pocket. Breast-pin. Taken by Jack Watkins, Walnut Grove. Plain hoop ring, one set on left hand. Black hair. Height 4 feet 7 inches. Hazel eyes. $37 00 in cash. This claim has since been challenged. Baby. Age about sixty. Black necktie with red stripe. Large carved gold ring on third finger of left hand. Keys. Female. Black cashmere dress. Johnstown Flood--Reading 1 Height 4 feet 9 inches. False teeth upper and lower. Weight 150. In Commodore Perry's expedition in Japan, that opened up the first treaty. Adult Body mangled. engraved thereon. Dark hair. Dark pants. Face mangled. Found in water at Ten Acre. Male. Wore about No. White muslin underclothing. Cambria City. Supposed to be John C. Clark's son. Wart on left ear. Age about twenty-five. Black hair. Brown black hair. Male. Weight 120. Gold band on third finger of left hand. Gingham apron. Age twenty-five. Age twelve. The flood caused 17 million dollars in damages. Age twenty to twenty-three. Medium height. 464. Bible. Barred underdress. Large wallet. Age about one year. Heavy leather boots. Large gold button, oval shape, engraved. Black hair. Pocket-knife. Female. Ear-rings with white set. Sandy hair. Leather coin purse Ten cents. Short black hair. Light complexion Blue waist. Eye-tooth taken off at gum. Aged. Brown hair cut short. Maple avenue, Woodvale. Height 4 feet 3 inches. Spring heel button shoes. Son of Howell Powell. Weight 125. Black coat and vest. Medium stature. Taken by her father. Upon completion, the Corps proclaimed Johnstown "flood free.". Found in front of Cambria Iron Co.'s office. Laced shoes. Weight about 200. White and black or blue striped collar. Hair brown and light. 1889 Johnstown Flood morgue records of found bodies Disk will be - eBay Weight 160. Age nine or ten. Tall and large. Ear-drop in left ear round gold ball. Red socks. White underclothing. Plain old-fashioned earring. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Red flannel drawers. Pricing & History. Female. Age seventeen. Sacque with beads. 5 large keys. Woolen skirt Blue belt around waist. Age about twenty-one. Large Brown gray hair. Kid gloves in pocket. On June 5, 1889, five days after the flood, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) appointed a committee of four prominent engineers to investigate the cause of the disaster. Wore scapulars. Black pants. Contact; About us; . Age seven. Zoom in Zoom out Rotate right Fit screen Full expand. Railroad tickets. Male. Age about twelve. Female. Red short basque with red buttons on it. Age about thirteen. Light complexion. Three white stripes black hose. Breast-pin. Weight 160. Medium hair. Small key. White undershirt. Most remained on top of the dam, some plowing earth to raise it, while others tried to pile mud and rock on the face to save the eroding wall. Female. Collar and tie remained on neck. Dark, luxuriant hair. Blue and white barred skirt. Gray eyes. Text. Blue woolen coat. in pockets. 3 1/2 to 4 buttoned shoes. brown hair mixed with gray. Age about twenty. Brown hair. Bunch of keys. Black woolen mitts Black cloth jacket. Blonde hair. Female. Two rings on right hand. Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati (600 miles), and as late as 1911. Blue calico dress. One gold ring, cameo setting. Full suit of blue chevoit. Daughter of James Jones. Grand Army Badge. Watch chain. Ring with setting on right hand. Age twenty-five. Dark gray mixed woolen suit Red flannel underwear. Black skirt Red underwear. White stockings, No. Gold pin. Gray hair. Two white underskirts, one wine color underskirt with blue waist and white dots. Black and white flannel petticoat. Male. Weight about 128. 424 Bedford street. [3] Modern dam-breach computer modeling reveals that it took approximately 65 minutes for most of the lake to empty after the dam began to fail. Papers, etc. Two plain hoop rings on third finger of left hand. Identified by Homer. Marden A. Dahlstedt wrote the young adult novel, Michael Stephan Oates wrote the historical fiction novel. Buttoned shoes. Light brown hair. Son of Henry Viering. As the Johnstown Area Historical Association notes, the dead were found hundreds of miles away and continued to be found for decades after the flood. Female. Blue eyes. Gold chain with charm, marked "God with us." Fair complexion. Black hair. Dynamite was eventually used. Bunch of keys. Blue and white ringed stockings. A house that was almost completely destroyed in the flood. Female. Pair of cuff-buttons. Black cloth pantaloons. Black wool hose. Female. Bodies from the Johnstown Flood were found as far away as Cincinnati, Ohio. Cigar smoker, nickel. Female. Fortunately those rumors were false, but nonetheless, damage was extensive. Hundreds of people were never found; over 750 bodies were never identified and their remains were buried in The Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery. No valuables. Head severed from body. Banged hair. Age about twelve. Age about thirty-five. Red and white striped skirt. Cash $2.19 Two collar-buttons. One watch chain, one tooth brush, cash $1.20. Age about thirty-five. Knee pants. One small key. Female. Belt of same goods as coat. Black stockings and button shoes. Brown cloth shirt, plaited in front, small plaits. Blue calico dress with white stripes pleated in front, and pearl buttons Black and white check underskirt. Weight about 170. Nothing but the bones. Age thirty. 1911 was the year the final body was found. Age about twenty-two. Reverse the Lord's prayer. Dark dress with blue waist. Pocket knife. The Great Johnstown Flood of 1889 | Weather Underground Black and brown striped pants. All survived. Age about thirteen. This month, authorities . One cuff-button and large key. Their calculations found . Carpenter's lead pencil. Light eyes. Dark clothes. Spring heel button shoes. of M.C. Thirty-five years. Female child. Body nude. Plaid wool dress trimmed with wool crotchet lace. Brown coat. False teeth lower jaw. Brown dress. Gold watch and chain, with horn attached. Dark hair mixed with gray. Knox and Reed successfully argued that the dam's failure was a natural disaster which was an Act of God, and no legal compensation was paid to the survivors of the flood. No. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Fair complexion. Sister of David Faloon. Two passes for street cars. Glove on left hand. Black hair. Black and brown vest. Female. Blue eyes. Male. Button shoes. Main street, Johnstown, Pa. Gold watch and chain with charm. Calico dress. On May 28, 1889, a low-pressure area formed over Nebraska and Kansas. Dark wool shirt pleated in front. Black or gray wool skirt with two broad ruffles at bottom. Watch Johnstown Flood | Prime Video - Age sixty. Light complexion. Plush dress. White shirt Blue vest. Male. Weight 145. High gum boots. Young. White Age twenty-nine. Weight 125. Weight 120. Weight 130. Female child. Afterwards thought to be Miss Masterson. Dark hair. Age eight. Age twenty-four. The flood lasted only 10 minutes, but the destruction and fear continued . Female. Spiral garters. Winter opening hours have begun for the Johnstown Flood Museum and Heritage Discovery Center/Johnstown Childrens Museum: we are CLOSED Tuesdays and Wednesdays; OPEN Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays from 10:00 am-5:00 pm; and OPEN Sundays from noon-5:00 pm. Age forty-five. Height 4 feet. Age thirty-five. Sandy hair Plain ring on third finger of left hand (with initials inside "C. R. Female. Set and plain ring on right finger. Female. Light muslin dress. Blue black ribbed stockings. Female Age forty-five. Short pants with small bottle in pocket. Barefooted. Male. Ring marked "K. T. Paper No. Large full face. Brown hair. Valuables recovered by brother, T. P. Keedy. Flooding in Pennsylvania - National Weather Service Weight about 75. Female. Height 4 feet. Height 5 feet 6 inches Black and white striped skirt. Blue eyes. Interred in Sandy Vale or Grand View. Button. Dark hair. Green cloth basque. Black hair. It took the City of Johnstown over five years to recover from the Flood of 1889. Dress with brown woolen waist. Male. About twelve years. High button shoe. Age forty. Weight 100 to 120. Female. Right wrist badly scarred and crippled at one time Supposed to be enciente. Blue dress. Knife. June 15th. Johnstown, PA had always been prone to flooding, but nothing could compare to the tumult that unfolded after a nearby decrepit dam gave out. Barred gingham apron or dress. Watch. Male. Brown wool hose, white feet. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Alex. Deformed. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Corsets. Dark hair, turning gray. Taken by James Murphy, "K.". Scarlet underwear. One stud Taken by friends. 7 congress gaiters. Button shoes. Removed. Ear-rings. National Guard. Age seventeen. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Age nineteen. Red dress. Eleven years old. Child. Age thirty-eight Weight 145. Body left on lot of Thomas L. Davis. Decomposing bodies, remains found at funeral home: NY cops - Miami Herald Canton flannel underwaist. Gum overshoes and shoes. Delicate nose. Age five years. Sex unknown. Describe the flood that devastated Johnstown. Blue eyes. When the flood hit, it picked up the still-moving locomotive off the tracks and floated it aside; Hess himself survived, but at least fifty people died, including about twenty-five passengers stranded on trains in the village. Identified by brother. Female. Female. Walter, Jennie and Edith also drowned. Red skirt. Female. Male. Age thirty-five. Female. Weight 130. Furniture dealer. David McCullough was born on July 7, 1993 ,and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Male. Male. Identified by her friends. Smooth face. James, Somerset. Supposed to be the daughter of Patrick Fagan. High gum boots, similar to men's boots. Blue check shirt. Weight forty. Black stockings. Bunch of keys. "Rool" with W.H. Male. Also had watch, wallet and papers received from Safety Deposit Company and given to brother-in-law, E.P. One witness on high ground near the town described the water as almost obscured by debris, resembling "a huge hill rolling over and over". No vest. Ladies' hunting-case gold watch. Weight 20. Height 5 feet 9 inches Light complexion. This led to American law changing from a fault-based regime to one of strict liability. Female. Black pants. Light hair. Development included lowering the dam to make its top wide enough to hold a road and putting a fish screen in the spillway. They carted off debris, distributed food, and erected temporary housing. Ring on forefinger of left hand. Weight 150. 8. Age about five years. ($1.68, keys, etc). Brown badge, O. O. S. of A. Dark brown hair. Found in Millville, in the cellar of H. W. Given's store. Plain ring on finger of right hand. Black stockings. ticket. The Johnstown Flood (locally, the Great Flood of 1889) occurred on Friday, May 31, 1889, after the catastrophic failure of the South Fork Dam, located on the south fork of the Little Conemaugh River, 14 miles (23km) upstream of the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, United States. Age fifteen. Light hair turning gray. Money returned to committee on valuables. Beale, D.D. Slippers. Silver watch, knife, etc., taken by A. Craver of Ebensburg. Pocket-book containing eighteen cents. Red or sandy hair. Female. A flood in 1936 killed another 25. Height about 4 feet 6 inches. Female. Between 2:50 and 2:55p.m. the South Fork Dam breached. Age forty to forty-five. Enciente. Black woolen stockings. Donations for the relief effort came from all over the U.S. and overseas. Claimed. Weight 140. Heavy black jersey cloth coat. The last victim of the flood was reportedly found in 1911, twenty-two years after the disaster. Debris from the Johnstown Flood. White shirt. Identified by his mother, to whom valuables and body were delivered. Shippensburg, Pa. Black and white striped flannel skirt. Black hair mixed with gray. Sandy hair. By the time this weather pattern reached western Pennsylvania two days later, it had developed into what would be termed the heaviest rainfall event that had ever been recorded in that part of the U.S. Many were connected through business and social links to Carnegie Steel. Lace shoes Blue waist Black coat. White cotton stockings. Wore No. Francis was a founding member of the ASCE and served as its president from November 1880 to January 1882. Female. The flood had suddenly taken the life of one of every nine people in Johnstown. Weight 125. Eventually, gravity caused the surge to return to the dam, resulting in a second wave that hit the city from a different direction. Female. Sacred heart. Brown auburn hair. White. Weight 40 Height 3 feet White. Dark hair. Penknife. Brown hair. Weight 170. Heavy brown hair. Light brown hair. Weight 100. Black quilted skirt. Harvey D. Williams. Blue and white barred gingham apron. Woolen knee pants, twilled blue cloth. has a watch, book, and over $12 in money which was taken from body of George Geddes. Handkerchief. The ASCE committee completed their investigation report on January 15, 1890, but its final report was sealed and not shared with other ASCE members or the public. 4. Red underwear. Age about forty-five. Female. Blue vest buttons. Weight 70. Moreover, a system of relief pipes and valves, a feature of the original dam which had previously been sold off for scrap, was not replaced, so the club had no way of lowering the water level in the lake in case of an emergency. Black stockings. He was walking around among the mass of debris, looking for his family. Popular feeling ran high, as is reflected in Isaac G. Reed's poem: Many thousand human lives- Severe Weather 101: Flood Basics - NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory White Bunch of keys. Age thirty-one. It was featured as a main attraction at the Stockholm Exhibition of 1909, where it was seen by 100,000 and presented as "our time's greatest electromechanical spectacle", Willis Fletcher Johnson wrote in 1889 a book called, Gertrude Quinn Slattery, who survived the flood as a six-year-old girl, published a memoir entitled. Age about sixty-five years Knife. Age twenty-five or thirty. Red waist. The Johnstown Flood developed into the biggest news story of the era. Dark hair. Female. 10 cts. Racine, Wisconsin. 733 Lake Road $170 in paper and $75 in gold. Gold ring marked James Potts, died March, 1874. Gray side whiskers. Taken by his brother, Charles W. Female Fair. Female. Age eighteen to twenty-five. Comment. Body delivered to G.C. Cambridge University Press. Male. Female. Leaf pattern. Sex unknown. Dark red hair. Brown hair. Small earrings. Black wool hose. Summarizing the floods impact in statistics and facts is a quick way to convey the enormity of the event. Dark hair. Red dress, trimmed with lace. Dark hair. $32.00 + $4.16 shipping. St. John's, June 13th. Ring on left hand with "R" thereon. About thirty-five years of age. Female Age about ten Weight 75 Spring heel shoes Blue and brown barred woolen waist Black and red barred flannel skirt. Buried Prospect, June 9th. Female Burned beyond recognition. Medium height. Colored. He gave the investigation report to outgoing Becker to decide when to release it to the public. Age twelve. On May 31, 1889, the world took notice of a small town in Pennsylvania. Small gold ring. Female. Female. One bar pin. Two gold band rings. Plaited underskirt with edging two inches wide. Ex-policeman. 5 cts. Female. Two rings on finger of left hand. Female. Short in stature Very heavy. No valuables. Large pocket-knife and five cents. Female. Gaiter shoes. Calico dress. Blue gingham with white buttons. Age fifty five. Age twenty-three. Black dress. White dress with spots. Height 5 feet 6 inches Brown hair. Supposed to be Walter Jones. Age ten. Female. In 2008, the bridge was restored in a project including new lighting as part of commemorative activities related to the flood. Brown and white barred apron Blue and yellow striped dress. The festival will take place Aug. 4-5. A female supposed to be or resembles Miss Ella Layton. Round face. One rhinestone ear-ring. 18 April 2007 . No valuables. Large ring. The Johnstown Flood Antique Book History 1889 by Herman Dieck Illustrated RARE. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Blue and white striped dress Red undershirt Two plain gold rings on second finger of left hand. "Johnstown Flood." National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior. Died after flood. Gray eyes. . Burnt below left ear. Male. Light brown hair. Receipt to Robert Bossett, from Geo. The Johnstown Flood: Directed by Irving Cummings. Gum sling in pocket. Dark eyes. Female. Dark brown hair. Cash $167.65. Female. MLCG-KC-Johnstown Canal Basin Overlook Mystery Cache Female. Gray pants and coat. Female. Black cloth cap lined with red, and black wool cap with black ribbon bow on top. Many bodies were never identified, and hundreds of the missing were never found. Watch chain. Male child. Wine color skirt with ticking waist Black hose. Blue calico dress with small white vines. 7. Buttoned shoes. Age twenty-four. No goods. Male. The burst dam sent a wall of water and debris, 40 feet high and half a mile wide . Turned up nose. Large. Supposed to have been employed by W. A. Moses. Female. Female. Gold ring. Human foot. Locomotives weighing 170,000 pounds were wrenched from . Age ten. Bunch of keys. Died in Prospect hospital. Height 5 feet 9 inches Black hair. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Weight about 45 lbs. How far away were bodies found from the Johnstown flood? The book recorded victims able to be identified and descriptions of the unrecognized. Wife of J.H. Female. In 1889 a dam break upstream from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, released a 30-40 foot wall of water that killed 2200 people within . Ear-drops, enameled black, with blue setting. 20 years in drug store. Age twenty. Brown hair. Height 5 feet 3 inches. Red flannel skirt. Age twenty to twenty-five Brown hair. Sandy hair Height 5 ft 5 in. Short knee pants, black and white. Weight 75. One very small key. Female. Breast-pin. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, Membership, archives, facility rentals & more, Johnstown Flood Museum/Heritage Discovery Center/Cultural Programming, Johnstown Children's Museum/Children's Programming, Los Lobos to headline AmeriServ Flood City Music Festival 2023, 99 entire families died, including 396 children, More than 750 victims were never identified and rest in the Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery, Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, and as late as 1911, Four square miles of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed, The pile of debris at the stone bridge covered 30 acres, Flood lines were found as high as 89 feet above river level. Open-faced silver watch. Black coat. Full form. Age twenty-four. Male. No coat or vest. Female. Heavy woolen stockings. $4.00 in cash. Burned beyond recognition. Small tooth-pick. Another 50,000 were rendered homeless as a result of this "100-year flood". Male Age about three years No marks. Supposed to be Mrs. Shabler, or Mrs. McClaren, or Mrs. Murphy, of Hotel Brunswick. Identified by Mrs. Bingle. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Body taken by her brother. Wore black belt with double clasp. Buried at Prospect. Weight 40. $2.10. Blue calico dress with white dots. Dark hair. Wine color underskirt. Nearly bald. Flannel shirt. Identified by watch and bunch of keys with name on them. Son of Godfrey Hoffman. 15 cts. Boy baby. Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Viering aged one year. The debris carried by the flood formed a temporary dam at the bridge, resulting in the flood surge rolling upstream along the Stoney Creek River. Age thirty-five. Schotz.". 1528. Afterwards identified as James Dillon, of Somerset. Age forty. Red and white barred calico dress. The Wagner-Ritter House is closed for winter until April 19, 2023. Pair of overalls. Age about forty. Two cuff-buttons. Black jersey. Boy baby. Red flannel skirt. Black hair. Body taken by Mr. Thos. Girl baby. The village of East Conemaugh was the next populated area to fall victim to the flood. Dark blue suit. A dam broke causing a huge flood, but before it could hit the town, the flood wiped out a barbed wire company. Unger ordered all of his men to fall back to high ground on both sides of the dam where they could do nothing but watch and wait. Brown hair plaited and tied in knot in back. Before daybreak, the Conemaugh River that ran through Johnstown was about to overwhelm its banks. Black clothes, with patch on trouser knees. Male. Large. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Female Age about nine years. Male. Bunch of keys with tag and name. Height five feet. Auburn hair. Dark brown hair. Buttoned shoes. Weight 30. Two plain band rings. Mustache black. Navy blue vest and pants. So did the grim work of recovering the bodies of the dead. Supposed to be Mrs. Reese, wife of J.W. One plain band gold ring. Full face, full lips, small nose, light hair, pregnant. Male. Height 5 feet 4 inches Black cork-screw pants. Male child. Nine years old. Female Weight 120 Height 5 feet 6 inches Heavy plaid jacket with marble shaped buttons, Male Age twelve to fourteen Black corduroy coat, with two plaits down the back. Sex unknown. $2 note. Identified by A. Kerfline. Wire bustle. Brown hair. Male. Buried in Decker's cemetery, Morrellville, Pa. Lace shoes with half soles. Age twelve. Height about 5 feet 8 inches. Jazz is the use of a whole range of rhythm without improvisation. Red and black striped shirt. Small earrings. Little jug charm in pocket. Height about 5 feet 9 inches. Red dress trimmed with fringe around yoke. Striped coat and pants. Weight 120. Age fifty. Weight about 170. One ear-ring with red star set. Height 5 feet 1 inch. Black comb and five cents. Received by her brother. Female. Gray hair Gold necklace. Button shoes. Delaine dress with metal buttons. Medium build. Button shoes. Auburn hair. Blue silk tie with dots. Very long dark hair, plait in back. Four gold collar buttons Given to O J. Bishop. Dark hair. Hulbert House porter. Light red hair. Four years. No valuables. Light complexion. Collar-button. Vest. Male. Check gingham waist. Age twelve years. Unidentified containers of cremated remains and decomposing bodies were found in a Johnstown, New York funeral home after police executed a search warrant Friday. Upper and lower false teeth. Silver watch. Button shoes. Boy. High heeled button shoes. Found and coffined at Tunnellton, Pa. Weight 100 White. Weight 50. Weight 40 Height 3 feet 9 inches. Colored. Papers, etc. Female. Breast-pin. One round small tin plate with the Elgin Butter Co eagle stamped on it in pocket. White muslin or canton flannel underwear. Age about twenty-five. $49.85. A round Harrison and Morton badge. Pocket-knife. Height 5 feet. Female. Button shoes. Cash $6.21. Fair complexion. A flood that could easily have been prevented. 5 ft. 4 in. Blue calico dress. Square-toed shoes. Male. Black wool underskirt.
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