Curley's wife is a critical character in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. He attacks Lennie, but Lennie is so strong that he crushes Curley's hand. Before Curley's wife leaves, what does she notice about Lennie? But was she? What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? In the letter, Steinbeck explains the character from his perspective. Then she had let him touch her hair, causing him to grab on and him basically killing her. "You are nuts , but you kinda nice He is mad at the puppy because it died and he throws the puppy at the wall. Curley's wife begins to struggle, which sends Lennie into a panic. Lennie's actions often create trouble, especially because he doesn't understand the consequences of the decisions he has made. In particular, he struggles to comprehend that what is perfectly normal to. Lennie is physically very strong (so his name is ironic), but cannot control himself, leading to escalating acts of accidental violence through the book. Therefore, Curley's wife's death is not crucial to the plot. Curlys wife is the loneliest character she is willing to talk to anyone even Lennie. What did she tell Lennie? she says Well, a show come through, and I met one of the actors. Curley's wife, like the other players in the drama, is simply a character type and the only woman in the plot. First, George could have let Curley and the rest of the guys handle getting rid of Lennie. Now her rouged cheeks and her reddened lips made her seem alive and sleeping very lightly. George cares about everyone, he makes them feel good, George is the only one who is thoughtful, compared to everyone else, the others mostly care about. What happened to Lennie's puppy? According to the text All the time he coulda had such a good time if it wasnt for you. Of Mice and Men is about the American Dream, Of Mice and Men is about the loss of innocence, George and Lennie's dream of owning a farm, First, Curley's wife insists on talking with Lennie even after he warns her that he "ain't supposed to" because "George's scared [he'll] get in trouble." Then Curley's wife invites Lennie to pet her soft hair, but when he gets too rough, she " jerked her head sideways, and Lennie's fingers closed on her hair and hung on 2 Pages. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. This causes Lennie to panic in turn, and he breaks her neck. Everyday we are influenced by our goals or dreams. What did curley's wife confide in Lennie? When Lennie started touching her hair, she got upset and started screaming. I could go get a job an' work, an' no trouble. The most ironic thing about this scene is that her death is that it is preceded by a moment of human connection. Everything that George did or tried to do was always influenced by Lennies wellbeing. She is extremely lonely and views Curley as mean-spirited. Why does Curleys wife get angry at Lennie in Chapter 5? Upon meeting Curly's wife, Lennie is immediately attracted to her, calling her "purty." Are smallmouth or largemouth harder to fight. Lennie observes that he has "done a bad thing" (100) and covers her body with hay. Curley's wife tells Lennie of her life and her missed opportunity to travel with the show that came through her hometown. Removing #book# George shot him in the temple of his head for a quick and painless death. But in the movie she was in a very different situation. First, when George was introducing himself and Lennie to their new boss, he said, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. This shows that George was portraying that he cares about Lennie enough to be picked up on by others. Curley's wife lets him touch her hair because she likes attention, she also likes soft things and she is not afraid of him. Curley's Wife Abuse Quotes. He didnt mean to harm, or scare her. Removing #book# When George claims that they might find Lennie first and bring him in and lock him up, Slim explains that Curley will want to kill him, and even if he doesn't, how would Lennie like being locked up and strapped down like an animal in a cage? She also states that the reason for her current life is that For example in Chapter 5, when Lennie is in the barn, getting all flustered and frustrated because he had just killed the pup on accident because he was play fighting with him, Curleys Wife came in, and started bothering him. She is defined by her role: Curley's wife or possession. Had Curley found him, he would have exacted his revenge for both breaking his hand earlier in the novel, and for murdering his wife, he says "I'm gonna get him. One of the handfuls of characters with impairment in this book is Curley's Wife. He also says Im gonna shoot the guts outta that big bastard myself, even if I only got one hand. These quotes prove that Curley doesnt care if he kills someone, or how that person feels. After all, Lennie is a big man, and Curly figures that fighting him will either raise his stature amongst the men. Chapter 5. Lennie is responsible for killing Curleys wife because he did it. with Curley. After she became mad about her hair being messed up, she began to yell and Lennie thought she was going to get him in trouble. In the book Curleys Wife is portrayed as a whore and not much else. How do you make Israeli couscous not mushy? When Slim asks George where Lennie might be, George tells Slim Lennie would have gone south (knowing all along that the little pool is north of the ranch). He keeps repeating "she's purty." George was also influenced by his dream of protecting Lennie. The death of Curley's wife is ultimately unimportant to the novel's outcome since it is clear that George and Lennie were never going to achieve the American dream and live on a farm of their own. Accessed 4 Mar. Lennie becomes so angry that he hurls the dead puppy across the barn. Lennie responds absently with concern about his dream farm and the rabbits he will have. What happens as a result? As she tries to get her hair away from Lennie, he becomes scared and holds on more tightly. If you're interested in learning more about Curley's wife, I've provided a link to a copy of a letter that Steinbeck wrote to an actress who was playing Curley's wife in a stage adaptation of the story. from your Reading List will also remove any On page 90, Curley's wife said When I do my hair sometimes, I jus set an stroke it cause its so soft. To show this she did it, she ran her fingers over the top of her head. Curleys wife is introduced just like any other; however, the emphasis on her feminine features are metaphoric to where women stand in society. Worried that George will find out and won't let him tend the rabbits, Lennie buries the dead pup in the hay and says that he will claim to have found it dead. In the first chapter of Of Mice and Men, what does George say to Lennie about how his life could be better without him? Lennie kills Curley's wife completely by accident. Lennie becomes angry with Curley's wife because he is afraid she will tell the other men that he touched her and he will get in trouble. Why did Curleys wife let Lennie pet her hair? George realizes that if the other men were to find Lennie alive they would have tortured him. When Lennie first sees Curley's Wife, he comments that she is pretty, or "purty." Her death at Lennie's hands means the end of George and Lennie's companionship and their dream. Lennie has a soft spot for touching soft things, this has caused him to make outrageous action like killing Curleys Wife: "I like to pet nice things with my fingers, sof' things." (Page 90). When Curleys wife is killed, George knows that Curley will likely torture and kill Lennie. Carlson and Curley return, and Carlson claims that Lennie has stolen his Luger. Candy finds Curley's wife and runs out to find George, who, upon seeing the body, knows what happened. Lennie killed it by snapping its neck because he thought the puppy was going to bite him. What is are the functions of diverse organisms? And Candy is lonely character the reason being that he had a best friend who later dies, Candy is feeling less of use he is willing to do anything to feel useful. and didnt want to talk to her because george wouldn't let him to She insists that she could have been an actress. Curley treats George and Lennie poorly when he first meets them. She knows she can get Lennie to talk with her while the other men are playing games outside. When she continues to struggle, Lennie grows angry. George is not being deliberately hurtful to his friend, however, he simply sees the danger that the two interacting could pose. Curley's wife regrets the path her life has taken, and laments having missed her chance to move to Hollywood and become a movie star. While the initial reaction to her death is a manhunt led by Curley, her death eventually leads to Lennie's death at the hands of George. Steinbeck seems to show, through Curley's wife, that even the worst of us have our humanity. Some people have coarse hair. She said this, not knowing that Lennie likes to pet soft things. She lies dead on the hay. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# As a result, he shakes her and breaks her neck. The text states, "'That big son-of-a-bitch done it. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. He is upset at the puppy for dying. I aint mad, an I aint now. He thinks that Curleys wife. Lennie is crying because he has killed his puppy. But then he uncovers the pup and strokes it again, realizing that George will know he killed it because George always knows and Lennie won't get to tend the rabbits. Lennie tried to tell her to stop and she would not. One is Aunt Clara who scolds Lennie for letting George down and not listening to him. Why does Curley's wife get angry when Lennie tells her that George said he shouldn't talk to her? George, realizing Lennie's fascination, warns him to stay away from her. He tries to make her stop screaming and kills her by accident. He then, at her invitation, starts stroking her hair, commenting "that's nice," before he accidentally breaks her neck after she starts screaming when he strokes too hard. This is largely due to his intellectual disability, which makes it difficult for him to understand other people or anticipate the consequences of his actions. What happened to Lennies puppy? In the barn scene, however, Steinbeck softens the reader's reaction to Curley's wife by exploring her dreams. Curley's wife basically confided the future she would have liked How I first felt about her in chapter 2 is that, I thought she was kind of bossy and I honestly knew that I was going to hate her. Every character takes the opportunity to not be lonely even if they know that they're going to get hurt. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Why does Curley's wife always seek out the ranch hands? Curley's wife was murdered by Lennie in John Steinbeck's story, Of Mice and Men. Curley's wife enters the barn and asks Lennie what he has. After Curley finds out that his wife has died, he becomes determined to kill Lennie gruesomely for revenge. Curleys wife did not know that day in the barn would be her last.
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