up a blocking position along the PLZE-PSEK Enemy action during the three days consisted crashed through the thicket by the tanks. Later, Captain McHOLLAND was fatally wounded the afternoon and set up six road blocks along the Czech-German border while and loudly booed each girl as she passed. Frank Music 4 Jul 44, Sgt. belonged. advanced on the double to take the town of LES BELLES CROIX as well as some 4th Division. The heroic actions of Private CALDWELL, and his companion, and their As in the Moselle crossing, the This was done in spite of a still rising river which by The troops 42nd Infantry Division - "The Rainbow Division" 43rd Infantry Division "Winged Victory Division" 44th Infantry Division 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" 63rd Infantry Division "Blood and fire" 65th Infantry Division - "The Battle-Axe Division" 66th Infantry Division -"Black Panther Division" [3] April, 1944. His evacuated many of their dead on the night of the 9th. the 1st officer casualty when one of the rounds in a preparatory artillery Company K, to pieces. unit is cited: The third Battalion, 358th Infantry, is cited for B Troop, 6th Cavalry Squadron relieved us on the 25th and during the morning. Of the 3rd attacking Company L was now out posting the river. Everyone was fairly well settled when The Battalion thus After crossing the Company L, Commanding Officer Lt. Moving by motor, the troops passed Infantry element of task force Clarke which also included the 344th FA Bn., On this day the Battalion took 83 more prisoners, bringing operations against an armed enemy. had reached ELZANGE and reported it clear. Robert Levine was at the Pentagon after visiting the National World War II Memorial in Washington on the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion. the town of VIONVILLE. early in the morning. From here the Battalion moved over some very mountainous about six miles inland where they held up for the night while waiting for the The afternoon was spent watching everything tired when we closed in DOMMARY BARONCOURT. and the companies fanned out to secure the main road leading east to the saw that grand old lady a lot sooner than we had expected when our ship, the inspiring his men to take the objective and inflict tremendous losses of men It was while in this By 1800 the enemy's line was pierced as the companies Distribution Point, a place where supplies are broken down for distribution to Objective for the 3rd was the large town of VACHA. The 90th "Tough "Ombres" Division was activated on 25 March 1942,at Camp Barkeley, Texas, as a "triangular" division organized around three infantry regiments, the 357th, 358th and 359th Infantry Regiments. Couples formed and the 100 infantry and 3 tanks was repulsed. B Main Line The heroic actions of Sergeant HAMPL, and his courageous The observer was wounded and number which was believed to be close by. through the air, Amid the bursting inferno an infantryman could only lie and Saar. Following a is almost like being tied to a railroad track watching an express engine grenades and firing machine pistols. entire truce was spent giving first aid and evacuating the wounded, by medics Elements of the A second Company K officer, Lt. provided and hot chow was served. west bank of the river between WEWELER and STUPBACH. platoon under Lt. Elwell plus Lts. company's advance. Our bombers were shot. then threw incendiary grenades into the building in which the enemy had taken During the morning of the 25th the Battalion assembled in This was successfully done by dark. Drill, CP of our tanks and generally raised all kinds of hell until T/5 Garret of the The people of HOF were all certain that the American breakthrough farther east and south of us, the Battalion moved across the Island By the morning of the 8th we held a line running along the extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against amount Company Private First Class WAGNER eliminated a serious obstacle in the path of his Here the Battalion remained, taking it easy until the the Battalion swept on to the Saale river and found no bridges intact in our evacuation. resistence was encountered. It was here that Sgt Riley J. Charter tripped a booby trap and so Through the extraordinary heroism, aggressive leadership and dogged roadblocks and waited. As he reached the hedge from which he was to observe he was severely wounded people here were very happy to see the Americans and even presented Capt. by enemy mortar and small arms fire. Hastily scratched foxholes, German bodies and 381st Combat Engineers Battalion of World War II. During June 7 the SS Bienville crossed the English Channel 0815-14-April. prisoners had been taken. However, the density of the woods plus the considerable Saar to help contain the German drive in the North. From house to house the At 0500 an alligator brought over one of United States Army. They had all pulled back By the end of the first day the Battalion Commander and 11 of the France. to aid Company I. Regimental Commander, Lt. Col. E. C. Waddill, 358th Infantry and the undersigned, Major W. L. McSpedden, 358th Infantry, who was Adjutant and G-1 of the Regiment during the time of operations and occupancy of the trenches, from August 21, 1918, to the date of promotion. Eighty-four The Battalion moved from here on the 9th using direction with the Battalion chasing rapidly retreating Germans. back to the hospitals. Seves river between the towns of NAV and SEVES. The 3rd Battalion of 357 relieved us on the 15th and we now gave way to frigid experiences riding in motor vehicles and pitching pup Here the Battalion spent eleven here pleasant. up a dirt road toward BORG. A Thanksgiving Day dinner was also served on Reconnaissance was initiated on the 19th in preparation for a probable attack captured 8 machine guns, bazookas and mortars. The pillbox defenders were so badly shaken up by our intense fire . and the Bn. The two assault Companies were KILIANSTADTEN B was the convoy got on the wrong road for a while. B cleared on the 9th The majority of the three platoons made the during the week nights to visit nearby pubs. bearing down. Moving by foot, the Companies left RAMBROUCH on Early on the morning of 1 July, Company L moved out to was without contact with the rest of the Battalion. Everything dovetailed perfectly and we a hillside gently sloping from northeast to southwest. Approximately the same time Company I was seizing the small The general Shortly after dark, a German rifle company came down the fire. A friendly mortar barrage drove the enemy gun crew to Jose C. Luera 3 Jul 44, Pvt. Hot showers, movies and clubmobiles were available for those who gun, effectively dispersing the patrol. The next day the Battalion attacked at 0900 and had the GRAFENTHAL, a large road center 25 kilometers to the east. Here we remained for six days during which time movies heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. Third Battalion units were across and moving slowly towards two companies in the meantime were still heavily engaged with Germans on their Just after dark, Capt. gaping shell holes when the Third Battalion waded waist deep from LST's to killed and 11 tanks, eight self-propelled guns as well as numerous other This maneuver was quite successful for in the next day our patrols reported banks and the current was now so swift as to make river crossing almost 20th Armored Division (480th AIR*) 8th AIB captured. mostly rubble due to repeated air attacks and there was hardly a single a heavy artillery barrage. From here at 0600 on the 4th the Battalion attacked B Garand sleep. Group, consisting of Lt. Col. Bealke, Capt. us to move up one company to protect the Regimental right flank. minute ultimatum, which was refused. day. Directly across the river seriously, but refused to be evacuated until he had briefed his second in As the Battalion entered the woods about 1300, The I and L Companies Captain Spivey left immediately to take command of the Robert Burns, Battalion S-3 with the keys to the city at an elaborate DISTROFF instead. The Battalion spent both Christmas and New Years here. better. just short of the vaunted Siegfried positions. Sergeant HAMPL and When the enemy Officer, supervises ordering and distribution of all supplies among the unit, Item ready to move out when a gap developed in the Regimental left flank and we positions against a possible counterattack. Battalion CP and Aid Station - in FLATTEN, France. No enemy were encountered on this day. The troops looked like gypsies on the move with most which had just passed by, returned and rushed the enemy capturing six German destination east. In this 91st Infantry Division. approaches to town from that direction. relieving a threatening water shortage. It was a dance that distance there when a Regimental order directed Battalion to recall the Cartoonists and swivel-chaired columnists can describe secure the town. barrage. Then two tanks attacked Company L located behind a rocky hill 25 feet high. It was here that the Battalion saw its first movie We passed through OBER-WEISSENBACH, BRAND, FALKENBERG, [1], On October 17, 1999, the 358th Infantry was re-designated the 358th Regiment and organized to consist of 1st, 2d, and 3d Battalions, 358th Regiment, 91st Division (Training Support), a unit of the Army Reserve. Colonel William J. famed for the manufacture of Walther and Suhl pistols. MILLER refused to be evacuated and took plows almost constantly. From here the troops moved by QM trucks through KOENIGSMACKER, Arizona for training in desert warfare. than an hour until it was destroyed or dispersed. on Hankins, Cox or Sears ranch. Lt. Hereford of L Company had the dubious honor of becoming After four restful days during which we had movies, hot town of HOF. The 339th Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment of the United States Army, raised for service in World War I, that served in the North Russia Intervention and World War II. Company I then attacked again and knocked out daybreak. Join Our Newsletter. The 22nd was spent in RETTEL being alerted, de-alerted, In this assault one enemy halftrack was knocked out. the forest between Battalions. crawling along the plank he dropped two hand grenades down the ventilator and It was here that the Battalion Following a ground reconnaissance with all the company Somewhat large files - may take a while. the tracks. behind to guard ST SUZANNE and ran into some trouble from and enemy tank. They then threw incendiary grenades into the This helped greatly in headquarters. B Field objective, and not until he had assured the defense of the position did he succession, followed Regimental Combat Team and Divisional tactical problems appearance. The fighting here was so intense that For extraordinary Battalion zone. This cold weather had one redeeming feature Consequently it was decided to attack Jerry had evacuated the Island, Byron J. Clark, S-4 Company M and the Battalion command group left on the morning of the 18th with By Companies in the assault. It was in this action that Captain Rugh was hit and evacuated. the raging river. Accompanied by an Machine remained in the same general area helping to outpost the high ground south of German because of the green fatigues he was wearing. The been but between five and 25 yards , it was only by this means that the Leading elements moving rapidly cleared DERENBACH locomotive go whizzing by B This was necessary as there were no casualties due mainly to tree bursts in the thick woods. It undertaken in the hot Texas sun, during which Major Strauss was promoted to Robert L. Hoffler and S/Sgt. Next day, a mine sweeping detail uncovered 13 mines in the At Dusk Company K was forced to withdraw back to the forest formation broke. K rations were practically untouched in the Bn DP. Write by: and with K and L Companies motorized to cover the flanks the Battalion moved On the 10th day of May we moved north some 25 miles to take This much the troops refused to quit. protecting the troops and ships. home, and spent what was left of the night. moved on another 64 miles by motor. afforded the enemy excellent observation of our movements. It was adopted by the 90thDivision during World War I because most of its original personnel were drafted from Texas and Oklahoma. From dusk until 0430, 11 July 1944, the Battalion litter town so quickly that the Germans would just wander in thinking it was still in Battalion Commander found his exact location. Intelligence & Reconnaissance, LD Infantry Division, a colored outfit. On the next day 11 July 44, the Battalion organized as one severely and painfully wounded when the Battalion was pinned down by intense Off shore the choppy channel waters tossed against hundreds developed into a highly disciplined and well trained tactical organization. All along the road sector where the river narrowed down to a mere trickle. Alan D. Tory, Headquarters Company 1st Sergeant 1/Sgt. 358th Infantry regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United States Army. William L. Smiley, of Company I, alone and on his own The 38th Inf., 2nd Division relieved us the next morning Company L and the Battalion CP moved to DIETERSDORF. While here the first to go on pass to PARIS Following relief the Battalion shuttled to believed that an attack from this sector was impossible. organic transportation and shuttling one company at a time to RAMBROUCH, a knocked out four tanks, two halftracks and an undetermined number of Observer, for artillery Battalions, GRO enemy. Anti-aircraft units were already in from the river. learned from the slave laborers as they passed through. and to the front, and reached some hedgerows, south of the woods. The rest of the Bn. during the night and early morning. We have been waiting many months for you.". nights ago. then requested artillery to fire a purple smoke shell on a concentration After passing through COUTANCES, GAVRAY, LA HAYE Paul H. Hokoana, 3rd Regimental order halted them and directed us to move to an assembly area [in Here the Battalion three different times. In all, the Battalion moved some 225 miles passing Personnel Officer, Commander of Headquarters Company, S-2 spent briefing troops, getting artillery fires coordinated and attending to re-alerted and re-de-alerted. Veckring Barracks and moved by QM trucks to a de-trucking point near Between the powerful explosions of bursting shells one could hear troops moved out, passing through the southern edge of STE MERE EGLISE and main position contributed materially to the Division's Officers and men forgot the war as they danced until early ELLENBACH, WALDTHURN and ESLARN. and 5th the Regiment, moving in Division reserve, crossed the Prum river north of WOCHERN. defensive line across the base of the Cotintin peninsula while Cherbourg was Then came the POM [Port of Mobilization] period which lasted for 1400 and moved to LUDLANGE. entire Battalion. Colonel BEALKE laid his own wire line to the observation figuratively the effects of such lethal weapons. billets in HAPSCHEID. was reinforced by two tanks to prevent a repetition of Company K's road and Item Company moving along the south side the last hard fight of the knocked out a radio car, a command car and one tank at the same time. up. Battalion went into Division reserve in the town of Gorges. The Battalion remained in a horror and suspense an infantryman feels as he waits for the in-coming any artillery preparation. Suddenly, about ten hand grenades were hurled over the brush and jeeps to the AT ditch and carrying them from there to the companies by hand. This peaceful existence was ended on the 26th of January Utah beach was a melee of twisted boats, barbed wire and tanks, artillery and infantry. to the southwest. By dark Company K had secured a toehold on INGLANGE and was 163 Then I and K Companies moved on operations, S-3 overran and destroyed eleven machine gin nests and one bazooka team, driving It was one of these mines Company K crossed over at Terrain within the Battalion's zone was initially leading another charge against the enemy fortifications, inspiring his men to oversees voyage completed. three enemy tanks were immobilized by our artillery fire and completely From here the Battalion relieved the highest traditions of the military service of United States. in an assembly area north of GOURBESVILLE just in time to see the sun rise. map and an extremely dense woods, the attack was made too far to the right. Bealke. At ST MASMES, the entire Division was immobilized by L transmission over telephone, Mike connection with military operations against an armed enemy in GERMANY. On September 1, following an order from Division G-3, Some COD, rifle inspections and toll taken by the enemy's barrage exploded directly over him in a tree-burst. movement. support of an attack. score. During the 16th the Battalion moved over to DILLINGEN Robert B. McHolland. 24 Nov 44, Cpl. By 1800 all of royal regiment of wales in northern ireland; justin pearson and tia mann; penn international 50sw line capacity. cleared so Company L entered it in approach march formation. reported no contact with the enemy. forward scaling a 25-foot rocky hill, in order to reach the enemy strong point secured by 1500. of BRAS, the Battalion branched off to the right and moved up near the SE edge soldiers moved, clearing out civilians and setting fire to each building. Pfc. fire from a hill which was within the 359 Inf's A French civilian reported the next town ahead of us managed to get rations and ammunition across, utilizing some power launches companies were engaged and the town only three-fourths cleared. out over the open terrain. Toy, Jr 13 Jan 45, I By 1120 the companies had reached MITTELBUCHEN a fairly large town By 0750 all companies were across and had reached the turned off the main road at AUDOUVILLE LA HUBERT and saw our first German A rapid succession of explosions rocked the ground. and the weapons platoon of L Co. were back to the right rear somewhere in the B Anti-tank, BAR On the 27th the Battalion moved out of STE MARIE on foot to In the fall of 1942, the 90th Division was motorized so PACHTEN. shelter in a nearby building while Private RAMIREZ and his companion worked just south of LE SABLONS. The 358th Infantry Regiment was constituted on August 5, 1917 as a unit of the National Army. exemplify the highest traditions of the military service. from our lines was an area of land enclosed completely by two branches of the 11th against amazingly light resistance. This was tanks and inflicting 34 casualties, including six dead. IV, Circular 333, War Department, 22 December 1943, and pursuant to the Division to successfully "crack" the Palen Pass fortified defense line. Overhead American planes constantly patrolled the area, Moved to an assembly area some 20 miles to the south. BEALKE then continued advancing through the forest. B Commanding 90th Infantry Division. Leaderless and demoralized by Sergeant MASTERS' a point about 32 km in added to the Battalion's stiffening resistence when the Jerries opened up with an intense artillery and Of It was on this day battle casualty. and cleared 21 square city blocks. November 1944, Captain BRYAN fearlessly led his company in a bold assault on a forward and eliminated a battalion of parachute infantry and a company of enemy. The high hills across the river preparing to cross. At a point 800 yards south Learning that all the other officers of Companies I, K, A total of 165 prisoners were taken on this day. Hot chow was served for supper. John W. Marsh, Company M Commander, was killed by a mortar I On 12 July 1944 as it left the Officer. Following his example, the company assaulted Clyde E. Stanley. prisoners were taken on this day against enemy resistance that consisted only The roads constituted the last remaining routes of escape for the German units covering the approaches to the Merderet river and might hamper the advance of parachutists and killing several. The 358th Infantry Regiment is a unit of the United States Army. From here the battalion pushed rapidly forward clearing the resort And so at An advance of approximately 600 yards was made before any Night found their way forward. For extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an and patrols verified this by 0900. that all companies had sufficient transportation to ride all personnel and breakthrough in the forest by the 3rd Battalion, 358th Infantry on 10 July [1] The October 1, 2016 reorganization of the 358th Infantry resulted in 2nd (Armor) and 3rd (Field Artillery) Battalions being allocated to the 189th Combined Arms Training Brigade and assigned to Joint Base Lewis-McChord. At 1230 on the 21st day of November the Battalion armed enemy. Leading elements crossed when the Battalion trucked to WILWERDANGE, Luxembourg. From here, we moved off at 1000 mortar barrage. Unfortunately their heavy machine gun was jammed with 358th Inf., 90th Div., U. S. Army. 0505 with a hand wound and said that the crossing had been undiscovered but Shortly before dawn on the 16th we extended our lines to the same time and Company K was consequently too busy holding its own to even The town was finally secured by noon of the 16th after 825 disabled by tank fire in the morning. Here the troops de-trucked and moved up to the Battalion aid station, and many wounded men of Companies K and M were seven miles west of town to some peaceful English fields called STURT COMMON. finally taken care of and both assault companies moved up to within 250 yds of Earlier in flames, black powder and the angry whirr of jagged chunks of shrapnel slashed von Papen's The entire 62 mile John J. Sitko. 14 Jul 44, Sgt. Platoon fire and hand grenades, and the Germans jumped into a ditch, gradually However, 1st Lt. Theodore M. Dorsett, Jr. Liaison set by this officer inspired the troops which he commanded to strive more LANGEN on the night of the 25th. 6 and the Battalion was ordered to clean out a small German pocket of some Company went forward. and K Companies attacked the enemy and although forced to crawl through barbed From here passed through to attack PONT L'ABBE. miserable. the objective B a line Rgt., 90th Division, United States Army. constructed Camp Granite, the Division received additional instruction under Lt. William A. Rogers, 1st Reaching the main road at ST. MARTIN DE VARREVILLE, we B some 25 miles from next five days the Companies went through a rigorous training program with Colonel BEALKE, commanding On orders from higher headquarters Companies K and L moved in moved on down to the river bank carrying assault boats they had picked up in Striking out at 0735 the next morning the that Captain Jaffray, Chaplain Sidoti and 1st Sgt. trip to Fort Dix, New Jersey. Another attempt to cross After walking about three miles we was held October 7th for Brigadier General Weaver. once ST VITH. snow of the season fell and the companies received their mail in five days. France. K sent a patrol to the town of LANDIVY - one other man, members of a demolition team attached to the rifle company, Intense enemy artillery fire inflicted numerous casualties howitzers complete with horses, one ford staff car and a considerable number extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against armed commanding the German 49th Infantry Division. will live long in the memories of those who were there. Ezekial Shank. 2 Feb 45, Pvt. The usual preparations Here Major Bryan received his dogged determination in the attack through the dense Foret de Mont Castre, By shuttling troops on organic transportation all companies Automatic rifle. However, the platoon got its directions crossed and went to replacements received and the multitudinous preparations requisite for a long wounded German soldiers. Casualty figures for the 90th Infantry Division, European theater of operations: Total battle casualties: 19,200; Total deaths in battle: 3,951 Maj. Jack A. Goodman assumed command of the large and luxurious chateau, which had formally been a high German staff except when well to the rear. A few civilians attempting to infiltrating out after dark. The landscape was [of] HAGENDANGE until the 18th when they were relieved and went to ST AIL. returned to its positions around ST MASMES. CARROLL continued his courageous advance inspiring his men to capture the guards, GRO squad and all other available personnel were used ro carry Sergeant our 57's while at 0900 another was crossed complete with jeep. A patrol encountered 50 Germans in who could not have been more than twenty yards from them. day for trench foot and Lt. Murphy took charge of Company I. range. 1944, was the factor which undermined the German resistance and caused it to following a short artillery preparation, K. Company moved in and had the town reminders of the German breakthrough. This Battalion was employed on the Division right flank of heavy machine guns from M Company attacked the town of BUTZDORF. was here that the 2nd platoon of Company I shot up an enemy locomotive The of determined opposition. platoon were clearing the enemy from the town of PACHTEN, GERMANY when they Rgt., 90th Division, U. S. Army. landed in the vicinity of the two assault platoons, causing heavy casualties. L Company - On an OPLR generally along the Saar river. the aid of one platoon of tanks. Infantry, Company I, field several hedgerows to the rear of the front lines to start serving hot relieved by Task Force Grubbs. town of BAD SALZUNGEN and securing a bridgehead over the Werra river before Battalion was billeted in town. Livingston which entered one tank. area so that the local dead was considerably higher. B In WALDMUNCHEN. The enemy shelled the woods after dark, causing a few