However they can come across as rebellious and dissident to people who are a bit more traditional. So, Aquarius qualities like eccentricity, independence, humanitarianism, and quirkiness are likely going to be the qualities people see in you the most. The ideal and compatible signs for the Aquarius ascendants are: There compatible ascendants are Libra and Virgo. Physical Appearance For Aquarius Ascendant Aquarius Ascendant people are often spotted slim and of tall stoop stature. These four star signs possess some traits that are a good match for Aquariusbut theyll have to be mindful that other aspects of their personalities dont cause rifts in their friendship or relationship. With their ruler being Uranus, the planet of surprise and rebellion, its easy to see why this is rising sign was born to stand out. Your email address will not be published. You might at times be destructive, as you go about busting up established set-ups. Cancer Rising and Moon in Aquarius. She is so sweet, unprotected and can easily fly off. But generally speaking, Aquarius risings will likely get along well with people who have prominent air sign placements, particularly Aquarius placements. They arent the type to be particularly wasteful, but they are very big on comfort. Because this sign is eccentric, an Aquarius rising dresses as such. Precautions for the Aquarius Ascendant Sign. The mythological appearance of Shani (Saturn) is considered to be not attractive. Budd explains to mindbodygreen that these people will also display the general Aquarian features of being progressive and humanitarian, as well as being incredibly independent. In fact, home is when Aquarius Risings truly come alive. There might even be a smudge of intellectual superiority to your demeanor. Unless other factors in your chart are more impulsive or emotionally-oriented, you will probably appear to others as cool and analytical. Eventually, you will learn that your life path is to feel and experience your emotions deeply (Scorpio Midheaven). A Virgo ascendant (Virgo rising) signifies a person who was born with Virgo in the 1st house at the time of birth. Dont be too shocked if their room has at least one house plant, but its probably one you wouldnt expectlike a Venus flytrap or a Nepenthes alata pitcher. The key characteristics of an Aquarius Ascendant are altruism and the quest for justice. Aquarius Risings truly value making the world a better place. Much of what applies to Aquarius in romantic relationships is applicable to friendships as well, as far as prioritizing freedom and individuality, and wanting to be around people with shared humanitarian values and quirky personalities. As with the sign that was born, the individual reflects its qualities. This irregularity of diet and unhealthy snacking could lead to a lot of problems related indigestion and fluctuating work issues. Think mad scientists, astronomers, engineers, and in some cases, even politicians, Budd tells mindbodygreen, adding that like all the fixed signs, Aquarius risings are excellent at applying themselves. The different alignments of the Houses of Aquarius ascendants which affect their finances are as follows. Contact Form -Privacy. An Aquarius Risings first instinct is to rebel. Your rising sign is determined by which astrological sign was rising over the eastern horizon when you were born and relates to the "face" you show to the world and how others perceive you. Aquarius risings are constantly pushing the boundaries without fear, and they want to bring that energy into the workplace. This could also lead to serious repercussions regarding their physical and mental health. They usually prefer dark clothing. As an Aquarius rising, you're ruled by air, and your ruling planets are Saturn the planet of rules, structure, work and determinationand Uranus the planet of spontaneity, risk and changes. Heres how it starts: Aquarius Risings are drawn toand attractdiverse groups of people. Work related to research and creativity which present a lot of dynamic problems are attractive to Aquarius ascendants. Your new acquaintances will probably hear about your advocacies and strong, sometimes controversial opinions long before even knowing your name. An astrological insight on Vishomttari Shani Mahadasha, Ketu Mahadasha Results, Impacts and hardships of Ketu Dasha for 7 Years, Scorpio Ascendant Personality, Traits And Character, Venus Mahadasha results and effects of Vimshottari Shukra dasha for 20 years, Gemini Ascendant Characteristics and Basic Traits, Sagittarius Ascendant Characteristics, Personality And Traits Of Sagittarius Rising Sign. Mercury is the ascendant Lord of Virgo rising. However, Aquarius Risings may come off as aloof and standoffish because they recognize that listening to people usually comes to an enormous amount of weight. The Libra rising physical appearance is typically attractive with unique features. This sign is an intellectual air sign. In their eyes, being sexual equates to losing control. Which pretty much is the planet of new ideas, creativity, and unforeseen events. And if their idea kicks off, they often get the reputation of being a genius in some form or fashion. Some stars, like Rene Russo, have an Aquarius sun and rising. The best way for Aquarius risings to thrive is to embrace their individuality and eccentricity but know when structure and routine are needed. It goes without saying that some Aquarius Risingsnot all, but somecould benefit from learning how to acknowledge when theyre wrong (this is coming from a Sagittarius, LOL). Your awareness of group and social dynamics becomes . Explore Aquarius Rising Sign More Daily Aquarius Horoscopes For You Press ESC to cancel. These natives are also inclines towards professions that require novel ideas and creativity. Then theyll take all the information you give them to discern if you two will be a match. They are usually physically stunning because they hold their kindness in their eyes and their warmth is extended outwards. They are very loved people, and their angels are always guarding over their feelings. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. Your Rising Sign is your personal new dawn. An Aquarius Rising, or the Aquarius Ascendant, in your chart makes you an iconoclast in your own right. But, deep down, they are extremely warm and humanitarian. Sunday, Mar 5 2023. They have great bone structure and rarely put on weight. ", New Moon Personality Traits and Moon Phases. Their significant feature is their eyes which can be attractive with an inherent vivacity. [While Aquarius] Mercury will be dynamic and curious, they should attempt to take in as much fresh air as possible. They are genuinely interested in the futuristic or eccentric ideas but are also impervious to the influence of others. Unlike the crab, however, Cancer rising people are mellow and calm, sometimes appearing to . These natives have a lot in common, and the mental connection and spark are immediate. 6. They bury their passion and do their best to keep their excitement in check, fearing that it will make them appear vulnerable. But other times, you'll be just what everyone needs, to snap out of a limiting groove. All of this dichotomy stems from the two planets that rule this sign: individualistic Uranus and structured Saturn. Promise. The Libra rising appearance gives an impression of strength, energy, and caring. Its impossible to sum up Aquarius rising people in one word, as their eccentric personalities feel boundless. This says a lot about the Aquarian personality. Intellectual, they possess great mental poise and with a minimum of effort . As astrologer and holistic psychiatristKayse Budd, M.D., tells mindbodygreen, Aquarius' fixed-air quality gives them a unique ability to take all their airy ideals and actually put them to work in real time, which the other air signs (Gemini and Libra) can often struggle with. However, your focus may be too much on the bigger picture and neglect personal problems or the concerns of people close to you. You're at home with a variety of opinions, ages, cultures, and races. If youre not familiar with Aquariuss story, its a doozy. Aquarius. Aquarius ascendants often have a svelte figure. Usually they have a relatively bigger face, neck, back and feet. "Aquarius risings can easily trigger others," Mesa points. Aquarius Ascendants are charismatic individuals who arent afraid of speaking the truth. Aquarius Ascendants are an enigma. Out of all the airy signs in the Zodiac, Aquarius is the only sign which does not prefer to cheat on its partner. People think youre a box of oddities when they first meet you. While they are welcoming, they do require a lot of space to operate, as they possess an emotionally detached nature. Its likely that theyll incorporate their love of natural living into their homes, like with an indoor compost or a water purification system. Your Ascendant sign is only one point in your chart. An Aquarius man will never give any false hopes to their partner. And the Aquarius Rising friend wants to see your fringe-y personality traits. One word, many meanings: cozy. For example, a person with a Aquarius Ascendant with its ruling planet, Uranus, in Sagittarius will respond to the environment a . But they are also deliberate and constant. "You're not necessarily going to get a really consistent person," according to Budd, who notes that unless they have other prominent, more emotive placements (like a Pisces moon, for example), that emotional bond can take a lot of time. Respect, companionship and understanding are important for an Aquarius ascendant woman when it comes to choosing her partner. These natives come across as charming, due to their inherent intelligence and their desire to live every moment to the fullest. But Aquarius is a stubbornly fixed sign too, so you're prone to sudden reversals. Materialization hasn't been easy though, and you still need some time to create a solid plan and rely . Aquarius Rising Female Appearance Aquarius Rising women have striking features that may be considered alien-like with a wide forehead, small chin, and big eyes. Their tall stature and a slim figure might lead them to stoop. When it comes to their convictions, Aquarius ascendant natives stand by it and are willing to fight to prove their point. He somehow immediately inspires confidence and attracts sincerity in conversation. Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, after all, and that shows up in. This zodiac sign on the wheel is not at all the submissive type. The Ascendant represents identity, instinct, first impressions, appearance, and our initial style of engagement or how we get things started. If you are a Aquarius rising, it means that you have Aquarius in your 1st house. You can learn about Aquarius traits, Aquarius rising appearance, Aquarius dates, Aquarius career, Aquarius relationship compatibility, Aquarius horoscope and many more. The traits of this planet have a huge impact on these individuals. It brings me wisdom when I need it most and guides me through the darkness. Astroguru Online - 1. Were talking about .css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}Aquarius Risings, so release your notions of normality and be prepared to see some odd behavior. In terms of compatibility, Aquarius rising signs typically do best with other air signs like. They may have large face, neck, back, stomach, waist, thighs and feet. This eccentric ascendant ensures that you'll be one of a kind. To an outsider an Aquarius ascendant native may come across as a cold hearted individual due to their practical approach in life. Problems may be more likely to occur due to blood disorders. But these are the same people who will instinctively stand up in the face of oppression. They could appear inflexible or stubborn (they are a fixed sign, after all! This combined with their sensitive brains leads to severe anxiety and stress among Aquarius ascendants. While they prefer to avoid the camera, when they are in love with you, you will become their muse. In other words, she's unique in the way she . Aquarius ascendants could also benefit from whole grain breads, vegetables and fruits. Their eyes have a soft gaze in a calming and soothing sort of way. Their bone structure is also well-defined and the neck could be long. And when it comes to Aquarius' priorities, humanity is the name of the game, so they tend to have a big-picture, idealistic view of how society can be improved. The Ascendant tells us about the clothes we wear, how we relate to our bodies, the car we drive, and even how we style our hair. This will give you apparent Aquarius-like qualities to others as you operate out in the world and influence the house placements for the rest of your chart. If the ascendant is in Aquarius with a man, then his appearance is noticeable and attractive. Appearance and Mannerisms - The facial features of the Virgo ascendant individual are typically small and well-shaped and the complexion tends to be fair and smooth. Even though Aquarius is notorious for fading away when they no longer want to be around, usually its for a valid reason. Natives of this ascendant are extremely protective and loving towards their friends and family. This Rising Sign is like having Uranus in the First Houseany planet here is what dawns on others, and how you break into the new. Hi! Although were focusing on external beauty, Aquarius has attractiveness both inside and out. They are reasonable individuals who respect the opinions and ideas of others. They do not follow trends and like to set them instead. The first impression an Aquarius rising gives off to others is someone caring, freedom-fighting, interesting and definitely quirky. The houses then move counterclockwise around the zodiacal wheel and ripple out to broader themes of family/home life, society, and beyond.". However, you can be inflexible in your principles, which you might believe are unequivocally progressive. They initially come off as cold but people normally find them intriguing. The ruling planet of your Ascendant sign is called the chart ruler. The Aquarius Selfie is often odd, but that's because they're unable to conform to the particular status quo. These water bearers also tend to gravitate toward caring professions, so you shouldnt be too surprised if you learn that the director of a nonprofit or your local community organizer is an Aquarius Rising! "People are attracted to your hopeful . Far from seeing them as strange, in you, these tend to be endearing. Aquarius Ascendant and their Physical Appearance. You wake others up. They could practise yoga and meditation to keep their mental and spiritual wellbeing in check. People perceive you as someone inspiring and have strong opinions. As a result, they naturally follow their interests and meet even more people who pique their interest. An Aquarius Rising in love is a fun experience. Their kind heart and an interesting personality garners them a variety of friends from different walks of life. Aquarius ascendants need to give themselves regular breaks from their professional life to avoid being over stressed by their work. Their razor-sharp minds can instantaneously detect flaws in everything from the plot holes in a TV show to the many systematic problems plaguing society. There is something unique in their appearance that you cant quite put your finger on that makes them difficult to forget. She earned her MSW at Columbia University, where she specialized in contemporary social issues. And yet, you can be stubborn in your opinion, and judge those that seem to you feeble minded. Aquarius ascendant natives are benevolent by nature. You may be prone to nervousness. He wants a partner who complements his eccentric tastes and ideas. Because of their unique nature, Aquarius rising can often appear a little awkward and clumsy, especially in their movements. Answer (1 of 2): The rising sign or Ascendant is an important factor in a person's appearancealthough only one factor among several. For one thing, Aquarius is known for its eccentricity, so this rising sign may appear as such. Aquarius is the sign and power that helps lift this Taurus to their highest potential. Long story short, Aquarius Risings have a very diverse network of people, and that helps them accomplish many of their aims. If you ask me, its all a part of their master plan to develop a member-sustaining cult. No worries, Aquarius Risings are actually quite understanding and willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. When engaging with new people or situations, they like to go against the tide and be outside the box. However it can be said that Aquarius is an airy sign and it is an exception in its family of airy signs. The Aquarius Ascendant woman is the best at giving advice because she thinks logically and doesn't mind giving a hand when needed. Aquarius ascendant (also known as Kumbh Lagna in Hindi) is ruled by none other than the planet of Karma and justice, Saturn. The alluring water sign, Scorpio exudes sex. Physically, the most common feature of Aquarius rising is a high and well-defined forehead. For an Aquarius, there is no making a promise to someone and then letting them down by ghosting. Theyre quick-witted and impatient, bringing the best ideas to meetings and then getting bored when they have to spend the next hour hearing everyones bad ones. Born with Leo on the ascendant and you could well boast leonine features - that is, a cat-like appearance. Your email address will not be published. After all, you always feel as if you have to be part of a greater whole, despite your love for freedom and individual expression. They have regular and pleasant traits, dark and thick hair, and their hairstyle is either sober or unusual. Natives of this ascendant also tend to become overactive. They are good listeners, but they often suffer in silence when no one is listening to them. "Geminis, especially," Edut explains. You were a little hasty in the past, but you thought that certain ideas will pay off if you manage to find grounding and bring them to life. Their faces are very expressive and their expressions go along with the stories going around them. When you meet someone with an Aquarius Ascendant, they will come off as aloof, maybe even arrogant. You might look like a lion with high cheek bones and a mane of hair. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may. How is it that they can rule the same sign? Its importance in any given case depends on the relative strength and number of other factors. Theres a stereotype that Aquarius energy doesnt make for a loyal or a proud partnerbut if youre arguing this, you might have been the problem! Aries is a fire sign that represents initiative, courage, and assertiveness, but the Aquarius rising adds an airy, intellectual, and forward-thinking quality to their personality. A natural humanitarian, have a talent for seeing the issues communities and society are facing. Here's What To Know First, Based On My Experience. Aquarius Risings tend to be surrounded by superstars, which doesnt necessarily mean their friends are putting themselves in the spotlight. How a Pisces Rising person looks: When ascending, gives a small stature, fleshy, weak and tired. As a result, air signs are also good communicators, researchers, and journalists. If you or someone you know is an Aquarius rising, here's what to keep in mind. These individuals are sure to succeed as well if they keep their physical and mental wellbeing in check. Yourrising sign,also known as your "ascendant," is the zodiac sign that was rising over the eastern horizon the moment you were born. They are also naturally shy and quite sensitive individuals, their shyness is complimented by their kind hearted and a lively personality. Who is Aquarius Rising compatible with? Aquarius risings tend to take an unusual approach to romance. Their mental capacity is substantial and they are good at coming up with new and innovative ideas. All have a tendency to push the boundaries when it comes to appearances and even speaking their truth. Of course, it's worth noting that when it comes to career, your sixth and 10th house tend to give a better indication of what you might like to do professionally, but nevertheless, Aquarius rising traits will still definitely be at play. Aquarius. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Aquarius risings are constantly pushing the boundaries without fear, and they want to bring that energy into the workplace. Now, it might be difficult to comprehend these two planets together; one offers structure and plans while the other suggests breaking rules and taking risks. Ultimately, Aquarius risings want friends who are outside of mainstream circles, and further, ones who share their flare for the intellectual side of life, as well as all things progressive and new. His lifestyle and thought process are affected very less after his marriage. This sign rules the calves, shins and circulatory system. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Aquarius, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Aquarius people are often slim and of tall stature. Aquarius is an airy sign hence their mind is constantly occupied and they need to remain constantly active. They might find it hard to keep up with this person at first, as everything an Aquarius rising says and does is so in-the-moment. Related Article: Aquarius vs Scorpio Fight. Again, they are idealists in the grandest sense, and if you're not on board with them, they'll have a hard time budging. The Aquarius rising appearance gives an impression of someone who is ahead of their time. As we take on a body, we become an individual and our unique charts are formed. "They need their strong adherence to what they believe in order to stand up to the naysayersso I think it serves them in that way, but it can become problematic when they get frustrated and disappointed, or rigid, around things," Budd adds. Their nature is complemented by the duality of romantic and pragmatic individuals. As an Aquarius rising, you're ruled by air, and your ruling planets are Saturnthe planet of rules, structure, work and determinationand Uranusthe planet of. Take talk show host and comedienne Chelsea Handler, Madonna, David Bowie and Niki Minaj. And even if they're not necessarily in those fields, they will still want a job that allows them to apply their individuality and creative, inventive spirit. But what they lack in interpersonal warmth, they make up for with their intense concern for humanity, with Budd noting that when it counts, they will stand up for what they believe in and work hard to make things better. Born with Aquarius on your Ascendant (or Rising), you are likely to be an innately logical individual, with a natural tendency to look at things from an objective point of view. This is sure to be able to help them at work. Finding the most attractive signs has been very difficult according to various astrologers, but it is believed that there are 5 zodiac signs the most attractive and they are Scorpio, Libra, Taurus, Aries and Leo. Your Rising Sign is your personal new dawn. They're attractive because their face has well-formed features, not to mention they have a slim body and are quite tall. He is transparent in his dealings with his partner and is not too keen on settling down in a hurry as his main concern in life is freedom. Aquarius ascendants could also suffer discomfort from dry skin and hair problems. (Aquarius happens to be the second to last astrological sign on the zodiac wheel, which speaks to this sign's wisdom and uniqueness as well). They can usually be seen as the slim and tall person in their group. They can be some of the most ethical and morally upright people you will know. Aquarius is represented by the water bearer, after all, and that shows up in Aquarius Risings daily life. All this means is that Aquarius surely isnt a sign to be played with. An Aquarius depicts the ankle, heels, blood circulation, and varicose veins in the human body. Natives of Aquarius ascendants are either eccentric or solemn as individuals but whatever be the case they stick to being true to themselves and original.