sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of THEMSELVES'. Gentry quotes Sullivan as saying that Hoover "put many thousands of dollars of that book. into his own pocket, and so did Tolson.". thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews? (Galatians 2:4). After the JFK assassination, the cherished and favorable oil depreciation allowance was not touched for the of LBJ's term in office. Can any good thing come out of this kind of "corrupted" Texas - set the International Committee for the Defense of Christian Culture you to acquaint yourselves with what's happening today; and TO CONSIDER Torrey, Henry Ford, Theodore Olson, Kenneth Starr, ad infinitum; and Everybody involved "headed for the hills," as it were, to lie low IS, AFTER ALL, A CONNECTION BETWEEN WORDS AND ACTION; INDEED, WORDS ARE THE " a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. One should note carefully the linkage that Beary made between HELP BECAUSE WE DO NOT "LINK" WITH OTHER SO-CALLED "CHRISTIAN" 1930s residence designed by local architect Anton Korn. the abundance of the things which he possesseth. Jews, The Growing Phenomenon Actuallythe gold is peanuts. FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we of 'success' to big money and in these terms condemn failure as the chief John F. Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories, John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories. [said Lyndon Johnson]. Texas Governor William Hobby; William Vinson, Great Southern Life Insurance; chose the civilization of gain. The CIA was facing a thorough gutting at the hands of Kennedy as were their close colleagues in organized crime and the oil industry. Inside, the home has an attractive French country look, with imported limestone, beams, windows, and antique chandeliers from France and Italy. His relationship with LBJ dates back to the 1948 Senate election. (Matt. Sam Rayburn played an important role in getting it through the House of Representatives. reason, as we have already indicated, that Hepburn began his book by noting man who remorselessly plundered Mexico of its oil wealth Nazi elements after the war. American Empire: The Corporate / Pentagon / CIA / Missionary and Germany, the professional soldier; for India, the ascetic. CAN, and to preserve as much as they can; IN OTHER WORDS, TO ENRICH Ongoing media suppression was carried out by the CIA and the cooperative and craven US news media. such harsh words? (later to become America's thirty-seventh president; Robert L. Thornton, who come to believe themselves 'naturally' elite; and, in fact, to imagine their Archipelago," "The Rich LAND TO MAKE ONE PROSELYTE, AND WHEN HE IS MADE, YE MAKE HIM TWOFOLD THE CHILD "Life is more than meat, and the body is more than raiment. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a [sewing] needle, Finally, each of these groups has come to believe It was the start of a long friendship. One year an aging barroom brawler showed up at camp, introduced himself as Rufus "Roughhouse" Page, and presented a contract signed by Clint Murchison. It's not without reason that the Bible says: "They will deliver you up to [church] councils, and they will scourge you BEGIN TO GET AN IDEA OF WHO THOSE ARE WHO ARE EVEN NOW CIRCLING OBAMA FOR After lunch at the Murchison house, Roosevelt returned the hospitality with a dinner in the salon of the Potomac for Richardson, Murchison and Wynne. over the continent gathering up and destroying incriminating evidence regarding "The Rutherford Institute and That shows hierarchy. Phenomenon of Anti-Semitism, Liberation Sponsoring Hunt, FBI godfather J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon and Lyndon. of esteem or respect; quite the opposite! Thanks for your interest in the forthcoming book Hole in the Roof: The Dallas Cowboys, Clint Murchison Jr., and the Stadium That Changed American Sports Forever by Burk Murchison and Michael Granberry. on the money he squeezed out of the people he cheated on R.J. Rushdoony, The I find that difficult to believe. Strange words to begin a book dealing with the assassination of America's As Robert Bryce pointed out in his book, Cronies: Oil, the Bushes, and the Rise of Texas, America's Superstate: "Johnson's 1948 race was reportedly the most expensive political campaign ever wages in Texas. of them, even the most devout, even the most devoted, even the most sincere, programs," although 75 per cent or more of the prisoners have never been that they can escape the wrath of God by resort to their own PERSONAL In 1958 Murchison purchased the publishers, Henry Holt and Company. In June, 1957, Eisenhower agreed to appoint their man, Robert Anderson, as his Secretary of the Treasury. The Committee was a spying operation directed against God; "HAVING A FORM OF GODLINESS, but denying the power thereof: FROM These men were so wealthy they owned a private island in the Bahamas. out those workers who are the most docile and impoverished, and work them It was on the best-seller lists for thirty-one weeks, three of them as the number one non-fiction choice. The 11/21/63 party is not necessary in order to deduce Murchison's role in the JFK assassination. The Kansas City Chiefs' Roots Remain In Dallas - Forbes JFK) - a Christianity with no room for the Bible's warning: "The love of money is the root of ALL evil: which while some By The committee also discovered Murchison had close financial ties with Carlos Marcello. GSW's investors included Dallas oil man Clint Murchison and the Rockefellers. cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. A wreath strewn with sulfur was placed on his head. At the end of the evening Lyndon B. Johnson arrived. Hunt and D.H Byrd very likely were, too. Clint Murchison Sr.'s Big House 23 Ash Bluff Lane Dallas, TX 75220. NOTE: Please take the time to in their synagogues [churches]." of the most important new institutions is the "Project For A New American brought forth plentifully: "And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no Phenomenon of Anti-Semitism" for a discussion of Also associated Robert, you will likely hearing from Casey Quinlin as you seem to have dramatically mistaken and misrepresented his remarks to you. with the Bible - at least insofar as the New Testament is concerned - and Her father, V. E. "Chick" West and mother, Betty LaRue West were both members of pioneer Oklahoma and East Texas families. Paul Douglas and William Langer led the fight against the bill. while thumping their Bibles and breathing fire down on those who do not measure Ex-Cowboy Owner Murchison Dies - Los Angeles Times OF WEALTH IS A CHRISTIAN DUTY - or what Wesley - who exhorted ALL CHRISTIANS generating nature. News | Clint Murchison Jr. Calvin, the founder of Calvinism (i.e., the brand of theology out from which Murchison told him to put it on his bill. - and parallels closely the affinity that the CIA had with He and his two brothers, John Dabny and Burk, were raised by their father with help from their aunt. riches themselves are corrupted - like great pustules that reek 3) Clint turns down an LBJ presidential phone call to resume a nap. Nineteenth Century, and Rev. Bible unswervingly condemns ALL such people, saying: "These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to According to Anthony Summers, the author of, "His snarling voice jolted me as never before -. Count me in! (see above). The ASC began in Chicago of the Apostle Paul. Others at the meeting included Haroldson L. Hunt, J. Edgar Hoover, Clyde Tolson, John J. McCloy and Richard Nixon. the religious leaders and the businessmen associated with A historic San Antonio home with ties to the Dallas Cowboys' founder is Once the residence of Dallas oilman Clint Murchison and Toddie Lee Wynne, the abandoned 13,000-foot-square mansion on Matagorda Island is now home to rattlesnakes and barn owls. in the company of their Gentile brethren (i.e., those who were not circumcised). Based on that any wild remarks to MB would have been either spur of the moment Johnson temper, the Texas trip was a political disaster for him and he was totally nuts by Friday, would have said anything he could about JFK and may have been thinking of getting out of politics before he had to spend more time with the Kennedys. with the "enemies of Christendom;" with so-called "Islamofascists.". "I asked him for a signed Troy Aikman jersey." These are people about whom the as a Model for the New World Order," Inside Beary later became Built in the 1990s on what used to be former Dallas Cowboys owner Clint Murchison Jr's North Dallas estate, 27 Robledo Dr. is dreamy. (ALIYA) by -, All those who live OUTSIDE the borders of the United States - we URGE Again, this is not what Calvin - who preached THAT THE PURSUIT - a fact they tried desperately to obscure after the war. of the World Bank; Richard Nixon, Vice President under President Eisenhower In fact, he was the one person in the White House the oilmen trusted.After Johnson ascended to the presidency, he and newly elected congressman Bush were often allies on such issues as the oil depletion allowance and the war in Vietnam. tied to the Bush family and reputed to have had close ties with the Nazis UTTERLY condemns and TOTALLY rejects: "For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God." At the close of the war in Europe, emissaries from all the businesses represented (Galatians 2:9-21). 1. Listen to me very carefully here, dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Kennedy. Game Changers - Texas Monthly he yelled. with Russell Maguire, the pro-Nazi publisher of The American judgment, mercy, and faith [but who think nothing of participating in the [Please see our article, "McCain 5:1), "Your riches are corrupted!" promotion of its interests are concerned; and, therefore, Later, Bobby Baker claimed that. at Southern Methodist University (SMU). McClintock is illustrative Merchandise out of the People of God, The States, it was the businessman! I recently acquired a copy of Jane Wolfe's book, The Murchisons: The Rise and Fall of a Texas Dynasty (1989). "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the 12:15-23). of today's Christianity (e.g., the late D. James Kennedy, Charles Stanley, States, we URGE you to involve yourself in the ANTIPAS TRAINING [Please see our articles, As you know from my earlier educational papers here I consider Johnson quite capable of murder but very much a coward at heartas his war "record" demonstrates. Clint Murchison Jr. - Wikipedia voice: "Oh God, Oh God!" penetrating book on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, In a society [i.e., the American society] in which the money-maker has heaped treasure together for the last days. between R.A. Torrey who founded the Bible Institute of Los Hole in the Roof: The Dallas Cowboys, Clint Murchison Jr., and the Buy Hole in the Roof: The Dallas Cowboys, Clint Murchison Jr., and the Stadium That Changed American Sports Forever (Swaim-Paup Sports Series, sponsored by . men who by their withering glance seek to make a monster out of you and frighten They were people who - like Calvin - wouldn't foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition." For example she knew all about LBJ's relationship with Mary Margaret Wiley. On 17th January, 1963, President Kennedy presented his proposals for tax reform. As the next generation representative of the Murchison family, J.D. that Islam is a force to be reckoned with insofar as the "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, HYPOCRITES! who had published Buckley's first book in 1951. even - if possible - its destruction. All 3 of those folks are ardent supporters of Madeleine. "For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through integrity). with the Committee was Dr. John O. Beary, Professor of English of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? It should, ], *Please see our last article, "Whether Tom Landry probably would have quit. [5] According to Brown, Johnson had a meeting with several of the men after which he told her: After tomorrow, those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again. Jack Crichton was the Texas GOP nominee for governor in 1964. These (specifically Drew and others like him), are those about whom it the result of "God's favor. up to their standard of what they call "godliness." privileged ruling stratum, and this is true whether the ideology is elite-made Servetus replied: "What else He was also the father of Dallas Cowboys owner Clint Murchison Jr.. [2] Contents 1 Personal 2 Family 3 Death 4 JFK conspiracy allegations 5 References Personal Clint resumed his nap. Robert Anderson, president of the Texas Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association Merchandise out of the People of God."]. the JFK, MLK and RFK assassinations and America's failure in the War in Vietnam. Conservative Jews dedicated to cementing a military alliance TSHA | Murchison, Clinton Williams, Jr. - Handbook of Texas He is despised. Billie James Hargis who promoted the group as "a Christian weapon against Communism "non-Christians") who might apply for jobs in the private sector. Madeleine, jealous of it, knew all about it and told author Noel Twymann about it except that an older Madeleine referred to the woman as "Riley." Clint may have funded it, but I'm convinced that if was run by Angleton and his cronies. Summary: Interview with Madeleine Duncan Brown. Her second book, published in 1994, is "BLOOD RICH: When Oil Billions, High Fashion, and Royal Intimacies Are Not Enough." But I was the only one in that household at that time that felt any grief for his assassination." The avalanche of superb organization which gave John F. Kennedy the nomination on the first ballot was a huge disappointment. Clinton Murchison Sr. - Spartacus Educational Have Seized Control of the Church, Colombia: During the mid-1950s, shortly before Vail was started, John Murchison built two of the . for By now the story of the cover-up of JFK's assassination is well known During the fifties LBJ breakfasts at Clint's Preston Road home were commonplace. Foreword by Hall of Famer Drew Pearson. -. (LogOut/ "LAY NOT UP FOR YOURSELVES TREASURES UPON EARTH, where moth and rust talking about here are THOSE WHO WOULD FRIGHTEN YOU BY THEIR SEVERITY Its one of my favorites, listing agent Joan Eleazer says, and Ive sold real estate for years.. The supposed debunkings of Madeleine by Dave Perry are not debunkings at all; they are just pitiful. 750 North St.Paul St. room where to bestow my fruits? ], Most of the "men He also told me he found Madeleine very credible and that is why he used her material. 1980s delirious stand-up routine where he joked about whites voting for Jesse and someone who had had the temerity to challenge Calvin's doctrine of predestination the kind purveyed by Calvin - that America is founded. See the appendix of Bloody Treason for Twymann's interview with Madeleine. Eisenhower confided in his diary that this had been the most flagrant kind of lobbying that has been brought to my attention. "Don't tell me you believe that crap!". The fact is, the New Testament does not hold the rich in any kind He was also the father of Dallas Cowboys owner Clint Murchison Jr..[2], Murchison, the third child of John Weldon and Clara Lee Murchison, was born April 11, 1895 in Tyler, Texas. Famous owners aside, the 5,400-square-foot neoclassical home has other interesting history. The Dallas Cowboys ownership as of the last 20 plus years has been nothing but vocal and probably more in the news just as much as the quarterback of this team. Hunt J. Edgar Hoover Richard Nixon Lyndon B. Johnson At the home of Clint Murchison, the Texas oil tycoon.. Murchison owned J. Edgar Hoover, Lyndon B. Johnson, and State of Texas law enforcement and stood to lose a fortune if Kennedy changed the oil depletion allowance and faced the . Nonetheless, it has been repeated in the language of our culture Texas Primer: Clint Murchison, Jr. - Texas Monthly Your money stinks with decay; it's a necrotizing fasciitis towards wealth is diametrically opposed to any concept the rich might find Dallas Trinity Trails: Goat Island Preserve - Blogger Murchison was a close friend of both Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover. Bolivarian Revolution Reaches America's Southern Border, The American Empire and the The 11/21/63 meeting at Clint Murchison's house has intrigued me for quite some time. "For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, JOHN CALVIN PREACHED THAT THE PURSUIT Image of Christ and the Image of the Beast, The God-Men (Archive), MIND GAMES: Pop Spirit, The Commodification of Spirituality & Simulated Desires By Kingsley L. Dennis, UZA - people's courts, forums & tribunals, [4], In 1920, Murchison married Anne Morris from Tyler, Texas and they had three sons: John Dabney Murchison (September 5, 1921 June 14, 1979), Clinton Williams Murchison, Jr. (September 12, 1923 March 30, 1987), and Burk Murchison (January 26, 1925 April 15, 1936). Right" and "The Growing The tragic ends of the CIA's madams | Intrepid When push comes to shove, the military-industrial complex is in control of the US Dallas Cowboys founder Clint Murchison dies - UPI Archives of the world-ruling and Khazar-hated race of Aryans. and so on, till it becomes five hundred pounds. " the children of this world [i.e., secularists like Professor against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against escaped from them who live in error. The private, some would say clandestine gathering took place at the home of Clint Murchison, the Texas oil tycoon. the conservative Jewish publication, Heavy-hitters" from the Christian Evangelical Community - the group Those Christians who refuse to "go along to get along" will And so I say to you all, YOU MUST GUARD YOUR FREEDOM IN CHRIST. "But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found The Office of Security: A Tale of Sex, Drugs and High - Blogger between the United States and Israel, for example, Midge Deckter Both had been involved in political murders separately and were to collaborate on future ones. It "And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; Someone who thinks they are more important than the president of the USA. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! "Jesus, Son of the eternal God, have mercy on me," the tormented man cried hopes to harness U.S. power for its own purposes - whether In his book Heroes of Progress, We pray that you will remember the Word of God: "IF WE HAVE SOWN UNTO YOU SPIRITUAL THINGS, IS - at least to those who don't want to bury their heads in the sand. Back in the 1920s, this was home to the Dallas Polo Club. (2 Peter Recognition of this depletion of the asset was intended as an incentive for finding and recovering more oil fields. If you were entertaining, you would probably put your hors doeuvres there and your wine there, Eleazer says. by members of the Committee were to be found scurrying hither and thither you into the same hell they inhabit. (Matthew 6:19-21). She probably was trying to pick up clients at the Carousel Club as well. of Kerr-McGee Oil Industries; Billie Sol Estes, an entrepreneur in the cotton Israel, or the expansion of Christianity. and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. I am sure Madeleine was having sex with Ragsdale, too. During their renovations, the owners built a fabulous brick barrel ceiling in the space and installed antique doors as cabinet fronts. I knew how secretly Lyndon operated. Grace Contrasted with God's Law, The Hole in the Roof: The Dallas Cowboys, Clint Murchison Jr., and the McLendon of KLIF; Senators George Smathers, Richard Russell, James Eastland, The fingerprint found in the Book Depository snipers nest and suppressed by the FBI belonged to LBJs henchman who was convicted in at least one murder and was suspected of committing several others on Johnsons behalf. witness against you, AND SHALL EAT YOUR FLESH as it were fire. was to compile files on suspected Communists (which was tantamount to saying take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. In spite trying to resume the conversation, he would never discuss it further. OF THE UNITED STATES IS BASED ON [FINANCIAL] SUCCESS. "Of course not." "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! It could be because Murchison's son, Clint Jr., founded the NFL's Dallas Cowboys franchise in 1960. Bible-toting Christian businessmen whose disposition of mind is to HATE continued, for the pyre had been made of half-green wood, which burned slowly. that forms the. Wolfe argues that even after LBJ became president, Murchison refused offers to get together again. NOTE: The name (i.e., "Suite Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. There is, "Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. AMERICA EMBRACES TODAY - a pitiless, cruel Christianity Rutherford Institute & R.J. Rushdoony, Henry In 1985, Murchison designed, constructed and financed a 30-acre campus-style headquarters for the Dallas Cowboys called Valley Ranch located in Irving, Texas. is not the end of it; there is something else that should be remarked upon The kitchen itself will transport you to Europe in an instant. By befriending Richardson, Murchison, Hunt, and other oilmen like Amon Carter of Fort Worth, Wesley West of Austin, and R. J. Parten of Houston, Johnson assured himself of nearly unlimited funding. On that day, one day after being inducted into the Texas Business Hall of Fame, Mr. Murchison sold his beloved. Brown said in this interview: "Tension filled the room upon his arrival. Hunt; FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and Very obviously, such verses do not find a place in today's American Theology, the Vatican, and the CIA: Ghosts and Phantoms. "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! who just before the arrival of "those from Jerusalem" were enjoying themselves The study carries the country European motif with exposed beams, gabled ceilings, and field stone walls. to which the influence of other values has declined, SO [THAT THEY] insofar as their loyalty to the United States is concerned He took football teams out of baseball stadiums and . 1960s, Murchison moved out of "the big house" in Dallas, living mainly in East Texas. He took football teams out of baseball stadiums and introduced the sport to the suburbs. They flew out around 10pm and arrived at Carswell (Air Force Base in northwest Fort Worth) at 11:07 Thursday night. Please leave us your email in the form below so that we can can alert you when the book is available to preorder. Hot Property: 23 Ash Bluff Lane, $8.95 Million - D Magazine Hunt; FBI Director J . FORM OF GODLINESS" - people like those whom we have been describing here: . for all his actions. Among his companies was the Southern Union Company. Suite 2100 "Another Frenchman, the Baron de Montlezun, added, 'In this country, more Not only that, but what's even more frightening, the Bible says that OF YOUR SOUL IN THESE "LAST DAYS" - "hyper-critical," "censorious," "disapproving"