They will drain half your exp and do very little damage. You will be murdering said spiders and slimes and other animals. The gear drops here look incredible too. At 6-7 go into the middle cave and kill pumas. There is also the named Ancient Dracolich who drops a nice bag if you don't have a bunch of those and a named zombie. This is a picture of the window you'll see when first purchasing a Mercenary. Fire, it depends, the stronger DS doesn't outbalance it's weak tankage. 2 MINUTE SPAWN AFK CAMP to 60 / Everquest Project 1999 green - YouTube A: Your merc will start costing you 2g every 15 minutes at level 14. Power Levelling - Zliz's EverQuest Compendium Fear Itself (88-93)(PoK>Feerott, the Dream>House of Thule, Lower>House of Thule, Upper>Fear Itself) - Even before this place was a hot zone, I loved this place. I will endeavor to keep this guide as up to date as possible and will revise as I play through zones with different class combinations or get better advice. Stay near the zone lines until 85, then push out. Kill these guys, turning in the quests as you finish them and then getting them again, until 75. Just keep in mind that kills here will feel pretty slow since the giants have enormous HP pools and half the mobs have some form of healing ability. I dont recommend using one ever unless you know the class to begin with) a questline was added in Feerott, the Dream that unlocks all ranks of Journeyman Mercenaries. Q: I'm the puller for my group but my merc won't stop attacking it when its all the way out in the middle of no where. Moloing is effective in the early levels due to overpowered Tank Mercs, but starting in the 60s leveling takes longer and the Tank Merc becomes less overpowered versus the content. Finally, while Heroic Adventures in Dead Hills, Ethernere Tainted West Karana, and throughout The Broken Mirror zones might be the "fastest" way to level, it's stupendously boring and repetitive. Outside the city are critters which can be pretty easily just wander killed. The mobs here are level 62-64. All of the tier 3 House of Thule zones work here, but I like Fear Itself since it's mostly just a revamped Plane of Fear, which I have fond memories of dying in. It gives you access to Journeyman mercs and probably over 10k AAs at this point in Auto-Granted AAs. The North Camp is the second camp when you reach level 77. This is a picture of the merc window. If you're looking for the old information that used to be on this page you'll find those guides along with all my other EQ content here. At 35, push into the area around frenzied ghoul and up toward Ghoul Lord. Although inadvertently getting trained is a risk youre going to take if youre afk; regardless of what xp zone youre in. I prefer to stay out of the fields if at all possible. I recommend you donate to him for his grinding guides as well. Very easy to set up a spot and pull away on the gorillas and birds. Everything has changed with the Seeds of Destruction expansion. So if a named is in a room with a bunch of other mobs, pull the other mobs and don't worry about the named unless you proximity aggro it. You'll need a high level to help you with the missions and quests. If you don't mind having to fight your way in every time you zone in, murder farmers. They hit a lot harder and have a lot of HP, so if you have trouble go back to spiders and other critters until 76-77. The north wall of the citadel is a combination of giants, undead, drolvargs, and cockatrice. A zone you are having a lot of trouble with can be made WAYYY easier if you get a full set of buffs. I would recommend this place only if you have a group of actual people. The ramps leading down into each area of The Grounds are great camp spots and there are halls and nooks of the various buildings in Erudin Burning that you can set up in without much fuss. You also must be out of combat. The Dead Hills Gribble HA's have been removed from rotation, though they are still the easiest and most reliable way to get through the levels. Chat Combat Corpse/Looting General Graphics Group Guild Pet Raid Sound Spell Task Track References What commands do you wish you knew a long time ago? Yeah that is no where near as good as it used to be. There is a big open courtyard almost as soon as you zone in. BEST: 28-(35-45) Lower Guk (PoK>Innothule Swamp>Upper Guk>Lower Guk) - Head down to the dead side. I will provide some quick ideas if that's not the direction you wanna go. Some of the Shissar are undead, but most aren't and they have high HP and hit hard to boot. There is a sparkly pad to his left, which if you step on and wait will let you teleport to PoHate) - I dislike this place solo. So make this the exception to my disdain of HA leveling. You can come here a little earlier if you want, but ensure you have some form of crowd control handy. Usually you can kill 5 or more mobs in the 15 minutes it takes between Upkeep's. It's the only level range I feel that you should be here to the exclusion of anywhere else. The best place in this zone is the hobgoblins, which are directly left of where you zone in, at the north end of the canyon. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices.If you are a resident of California, please view our California Privacy Disclosure. BEST: 38-48 City of Mist(PoK>Field of Bones>Emerald Jungle>City) - This is will very likely be some of the fastest leveling you will do. There are numerous groups in Empires of Kunark, but lets say you're not feeling up to that yet. You'll make the amount it takes to pay them and more from those 5 mobs. There is a quest with the platinum efreeti armor which eventually nets you a Illusion:Specter item that is sick. topic on the EQ forums. PL ALTERNATIVE: 'Hatching a Plan' mission next to PoK standalone bank. EverQuest Leveling Zones for Each Level Reaching higher levels can be determined by your zone, so let's start from the beginning with zones 1-10. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Abstruse armor is very serviceable. Since I see a lot of people asking where do I level or is this a good spot for leveling at X, I thought I would jot down this leveling guide. Once inside, just follow your map and keep heading back until mobs start getting close to your level. HEROIC ADVENTURES BEGIN AKA THE MOST REPETITIVE THING TO DO IN A GAME THAT IS ALREADY REPETITIVE ENOUGH(75-110)(BOX/GROUP REQUIRED): You can begin doing HAs at 75 IF YOU BOX OR HAVE A GROUP (Yes some classes can solo them, but thats the exception rather than the rule and requires a lot of know how). It may not display this or other websites correctly. Finally the yeti caves are a decent camp as well, offering two named yeti and if no one is doing the cockatrice then those two nameds as well. The cost adds up very very quickly otherwise. I think it takes way too long to kill anything and this is also about the point a merc starts falling off so downtime is way high. Third, get yourself maps immediately. It should open and let you swim through to The Hole zone. The final camp here I am aware of is back inside the castle area on the way to the back of the zone. Try and kill at least one Captain of the Guard. The South Camp is the starting point. The Fortress Mechanotus Zones(75-85)(Guild Hall>Buy Dragonscale Faycite>TP to Dragonscale Hills>Fortress Mechanotus>Gyrospires/Meldraths/SHIP/Steam Factory) - This area isn't one of my favorites and I haven't spent a considerable amount of time hunting in them. Let the mercenary do all the work for you. Talk to Ruppoc Rockjumper and get the quest Thinning Out Their Numbers: Rotdogs and Snakes. This is a short guide addressing the need of returning players. everquest warrior aa guide - Noble Offshore The Mercenary Liaison in Cresent Reach is due east of you, if you follow the path you'll run right into him. NOTE: IF THE FABLED CREATURES ARE UP, DO NOT ATTACK THE BLACK REAVER. This place is almost nothing but undead. Hearthstone Mercenaries Ultimate Guide - Hearthstone Top Decks - The The sarnak forts have three named's and sometimes the Ancient Denmother that is spawned for the Honed Wurmslayer quest wanders by if someone spawns her and doesnt kill her, especially around the southern fort. Leveling/Setup This guide covers zones up to Omens of War. Also stay away from the center bottom left of the zone. Don't accidently attack Lhranc if you see him. If you're geared up or grouped, kill iksar golems as well. You must log in or register to reply here. unsure if they removed it or not). I typically use them around 55-70 when your merc starts running out of steam but before you really pick up major power boosts. They tank for you, heal for you, or dps for you. Also you don't have to worry about paying them until around level 12. Begin murdering worgs, turning the quest in every 20 worgs. Then go and start slaughtering crows, scarecrows, and doombugs. BEST (84-92): The Grounds/Erudin Burning (PoK>Feerott, the Dream>House of Thule, Lower>The Grounds/Erudin Burning) - I love both of these zones. Playing live has a few benefits. BEST : Plane of Fire (62-68(72))(PoK>PoTranq>Plane of Fire) - Grab yourself a levitate and float your way into the first city area of Plane of Fire. You can follow it for some exp or ignore it like most people do and just fight out of the prison and then wander the zone killing everything. Camp Info AC: 20 Aug Ground Murkglider Eyes Blind Hunter Rekamu MPG, Camp Info AC: 25 Aug Flameshield Stone Pyrilen Riftseeker RSS, EverQuest AFK Leveling (and AA) Guide: Its all about 3 Boxing, Phinigel TLP Server Leveling for Human Paladin Freeport, EverQuest Next Landmark: Alpha First Impressions. per mob. At 6-7 go into the middle cave and kill pumas. Too many HP, pain in the ass abilities. Turn in the quest as you complete it. I updated that page so that it has a link to almost every single EQ guide I have written; laid out for you by expansion & easily navigateable with Ctrl + F. It'll provide a better alternative to people who just want information about a specific zone rather than a leveling guide. Where it says "Type" select Journeyman (Paying players only) and then select Tier I of which ever you want Healer or Tank. Along the way, most players are going to need to grind a few thousand AAs in order to be effective at 80+ when playing their character. Resplendent Temple is awful in my opinion, with it being nearly impossible to pull singles, and Pillars of Alra is hard to get to (you have to run through a lot of angry Alarins who can see invis in Resplendent Temple) and easy to get yourself killed in, for much the same reason. Friends of mine swear by them though, the Gyrospires especially. Lots of nameds spawn here, so be careful if you don't have a good group or a good box team. Make sure that the Tank Merc has been assigned the role of Main Tank. Gaesigs and Heligs on the water side come to mind on this. Mobs are tightly packed in some places and lots of classes who can swarm like to swarm here because of it. Rengar Build Guide : Rengar JNG/TOP/ADC 13.4 :: League of Legends Q: Do I have to have the plat on me to pay the merc? © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. This zone is sometimes a hotzone. How do I fix this? A NOTE ON MERCENARIES AT 85: At 85, to assist players utilizing a Heroic Character (a character which is automatically leveled to 85 for you and given subpar but serviceable gear, a mount, and other goodies. For a quick example, an Apprentice Tier V mercenary caps out at a 90% rez where as a Journeyman Tier I mercenary will have a 96% rez. This is no longer a viable leveling method. There are some guides if you wanted to bot it but in general this community does not promote AFK anything. Posted on February 24, 2013 by Almost Gaming. They do not have much in the way of HP, but can hit hard. Go in all the buildings. Your toons are going to get attacked and hit. They are designed for extra support or extra muscle in PvE encounters. Make sure you break the room and kill the first wave of mobs slowly. You can box here, but the zone isn't very conducive to it. I strongly recommend you choose a guide from this list though as these will be the guides I will continue to roll out updates to as time goes on. That said, the HAs are the only thing that scale. This format works best for me and it's much easier to update than what I used to do. As aforementioned if you are a Free to Play(F2P) player you will only be able to select an Apprentice Mercenary. Best thing about this zone is the simplicity of getting to it. If you still need to eat up more time, head back to ETWK via the black portal and go to the camp where you buy gear. Coming from The Mines, start killing gnolls until 12. Stay away from the air giants though. The goal is to get the three Clean Up the Farm quests from Siggik at the gnome camp near the Steamfont zoneline. Here is a quick run down of everything. Aggressive: If you or any group member is attacked, your merc will attack. Hardest part of this zone is not dying in the fields. It takes a little while to become familiar with the layout and the mission but the mobs are reasonably densely packed and don't run. Not really a particular place to camp in the zone, though the area outside with the warbeasts or over on the side of Rubek Oseka would be ok (provided you can deal with underwater combat). ALTERNATIVES: 30-35 Goru'Kar Mesa (PoK>Blightfire Moors>Goru'Kar) - Almar used to suggest this place as a prime place to level. Without further ado. You get access to mercenaries, which are hireable AI controlled party members. Join or Create a guild, enter your guild hall from the guild lobby off PoK, find Zeflmin Werlikanin, buy a Fulligan Soulstone of Innoruk and give it to him. The number of mobs for straight grinding is also really impressive. When the mob starts to run, you want enough space for your merc team to finalize the kill before aggroing the mobs across the hall in the other room. In comparison to their equivalent in Underfoot, the mobs are vastly easier. The difficulty comes in finding a safe spot to set up camp, thanks to terrible pathing and wandering mobs. Once you get there, it's party time. Paladins can start swarming around 83 with impunity and shredding through these guys to about 85. Slaughter everything you get your hands on that isn't a friendly dragorn. There are two main camps that youll use. Neriak Fourth Gate (accessed off Neriak Third Gate or from ETWK if you've done attunement) - One of my favorite zones for grinding these levels out. You can push to 86-87 here by going into the west corridors, but the exp falls off a cliff at 83. You can very very quickly get yourself a full set of 87-92 gear, including the Formal armor set. ALTERNATIVE: Crypt of Decay (60-65)(PoK>PoTranquility>Ruins of Lxanvom aka Crypt of Decay) - If you are a paladin or have a cleric, go straight up to the Knights and Magus. There are three total HAs he will give you. Murder the Rallosians, crystal golems, and frogs. Burn: Your merc will focus primarily on damage, always assisting the main assist. Ah yes. Passive: Your merc will not attack anything. The only issue there is you need to be capable of farming Remnants of Tranquility from TBM missions and HAs. Just places that are more or less easy. EQ progression has a nice zone by zone guide up to OoW expansion, recommended level for the zone with a rating for the quality of exp there and best of all a map highlighting the mob levels in different areas of the zone usually with a star showing best hunting spots. Pretty much everything is undead and the zone is very easy to get to. Also, being a class like Paladin can make leveling in some places way faster. Question - - AFK Merc XP guides? | RedGuides: EverQuest Multi-boxing you will only be able to select an Apprentice Mercenary. Favorite area is the Queen's castle area. I will edit that stuff in. He drops a key to access the first black reaver room and open up access to the second floor. It will pick up quite a bit around level 25, and you will get to 30 very very quickly. Also, the first AA you should grind on your player toons are to max Combat Stability and then max Combat Agility. Thank you! Then drop down via the waterways near the entrance to get to the tunnels and kill there until about 56. Start off killing drakes, snakes, and spiders. More of the same, except a larger portion of the zone is friendly. It's called No Heroism Without Fear and begins at Investigator Drolmer. Also keep in mind almost everything here summons. With a group you can pull them pretty easily and have access to a HUGE number of mobs. Kill lots of rotdogs and snakes. (25% was in Overthere when it was a hot zone.) There a couple of hallway corners that are mostly safe as well, but you have to kill to them and that can be dangerous. Never a good idea to go fully afk. He will eventually spawn a named which will very likely take you 30 minutes to kill, but isn't really hard otherwise. At 45, start killing the spiders and gargoyles on the ground, then slowly work your way up. Guide to Leveling on Live : r/everquest - Reddit EQ:Leveling :: Wiki :: EverQuest :: ZAM Everquest Mercenary Guide Mercenary Guide Mercenaries are the answer to Everquests "grind" and Must-Group to level. Old Bloodfields (84-88)(PoK>TP to Plane of Time>Portal to The Void>Old Bloodfields) - While it won't be as good as it was as a hot zone, OBF is still a pretty good place to pick up these levels. A: No. everquest afk mercenary leveling guide - Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. I will lay out a few spots to hit in this range. You won't be able to use it until 10 or 15 respectively, but you don't need it before then. At that point start pushing through the shopkeepers to the south or go up the ramp to kill the masters and grandmasters. D damination Level 2 Joined Apr 12, 2015 RedCents 313 Aug 17, 2018 #2 Roughly 80% of the mobs are rootable and headshottable so this is a really nice zone for AAing with a ranger. The other major reason is Alternate Advancement Auto-Grant. I avoid the crystalline horrors as they sap mana like wild. At level 5 it gets its second ability, with third obtained at level 15. There are a few provided for you by the game, but the vast majority of the world is gonna be uncharted and you will need reliable maps. To top it all off, it's also a hot zone!! The idea to help in grinding to where the other players are (level-wise) is to add two additional accounts and create a 3 box team. Suspend/Revive/Unsuspend: Suspend will temporarily get rid of this mercenary. When do I have to upgrade him? The south camp is the three rooms near the Nobles Causeway zone line. Really good guide. My next endeavor is to actually give Underfoot and Seeds of Destruction another run through and see if there are any additionally effective areas there I missed. Dive to the bottom and click the big rock. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. At 82 or straight away if you have a group, head down through the mansion to the basement area. That said, I have seen plenty of people level characters solo and F2P. Changing the email on the account seems to get it 'unstuck' and future attempts appear to work. Second I want to point out that while boxing isn't a must, and subbing isn't a must, it makes this game exponentially easier. I have never played F2P so I can't tell you how to negotiate that. With a group of three actual players though, you can steamroll this place for GOBS of experience. Set Hotkey: Set the current stance you have selected as a Hot Key. Tank Mercs can kill a red con in about 2-3 minutes (If its REALLY red to you). ALTERNATIVES (48-62): 46-58 Old Sebilis (From City of Mist>Emerald Jungle>Trakkanon's Teeth>Old Sebilis) - How much range you get out of this zone is dependent on if it's a hot zone or not IMO. In the event Trakkanon is up, he will probably eat your face, so stay out of his room if he is until that friendly farmer shows up to farm him. At around 91, head to the southern portion of the zone and start killing critters and ghosts. EverQuest AFK Leveling (and AA) Guide: It's all about 3 Boxing That area is considered Tier 1 for the expansion. Can I keep him when I shroud? Buy the 950 Point Mount that provides levitation. To upgrade your mercenary you have to complete SoD progression lines. Or will he take it out of my bank? Mobs are spaced out and very glass cannony. A mercenary's icon will show their archetype and hailing them will tell you their class. . BEST (68-78): Dragonscale Hills (68-78)(PoK>Steamfont Mountains>Dragonscale Hills) - SEE NOTE ON MERCENARIES BELOW FOR WAYS TO BOOST THEIR EFFECTIVENESS A LITTLE. The doombugs normally come in packs of 2 or 3 and aren't social with crows or scarecrows, who normally are single pulls but are social with each other. After that you need to go back to the bottom right side of the map and start killing nobles and highborn. You need the three accounts, so you can create a sustainable merc team. ). A guide specifically for Clerics and Paladins is my next endeavor. Don't know how popular that still is, but it's still not hard to get anything done. Ignore the giant black golem and Nortlav and head up the stone tunnel killing gargoyles and golems until you get to the castle full of gargoyles and ghosts. Inside the hut talk to Mercenary Mdjal to hire a mercenary. Multiple mercs with heals, buffs, and DPS and you can soar through here. It slows down a lot after 46 but is worth sticking out. Otherwise its like an ooze and a tidemage or a trio of warpriests. I honestly think it's kinda trash because either you're killing "relatively weak" classified mobs or the creatures just have too many HP, but from 30-35 it's ok. House of Thule, Lower Floors(80-85 W/GEAR IF SOLO OR BOX)(PoK>Feerott, the Dream>House of Thule) - The courtyard used to be one of the best grinding spots in the game. You can actually come here about 60-61 and kill in the area around the zone in/out. They don't hit excessively hard and are very good exp from 68-74. He will assist the main assist of the group, or you if its just you and him. What that means is he just won't do anything. Start killing everything around the front of the zone. Fewer mobs for AA/Exp grinding but still very nice and slightly easier for a small group. The mob density gets much thicker in both places, so it can be dangerous. Not much changes between 'minor' expansions in each leveling guide and you'll notice that the biggest change between leveling guides is Seeds of Destruction. Select the first HA he gives you, Into the Hills. See below for the final bit of the guide. You can pull 3-4 at a time easily and pretty quickly kill them all, moving out toward the docked ships to get higher level guys. At 20, open your map and begin trekking out toward the Stone Hive zone line. I normally just wander here, murdering the Cthulian nightmares that abound. You will decimate all. Some of them heal and can be a massive pain in the ass unless you have an interrupt of some sort. While you're on that sidebar, read the Returning/New Player FAQ. Owning any current expansion will also unlock these features. Everything is pretty spread out and it's dead simple to pull singles or just wander and kill. Black Reaver included. This will easily take you to 56-57. Murder the "of Fire" mobs from 65 to 68. It isn't bad, but you start looking at 2-3 mobs per 1 percent. Frontier Mountain (BEST AREA FOR 100-108) - The giant fort has one named who drops a ring that is pretty in demand. End of Underfoot (Volska's/Convorteum)(88-92) - You can level here if you feel like pulling your toenails out, but I don't recommend it. Available types are Tanks, Healers, Melee DPS, Caster DPS, and Support mercenaries. So now if you and a friend want to do an LDoN you'll have a group of 4 and will have no need to find a 3rd for the LDoN. Also his armor and weapons will get better as he levels up. Once you reach the wasps that are over there, start killing the wasps. The Serpent's Spine Everquest Leveling Guide, Seeds of Destruction Everquest Leveling Guide, Call of the Forsaken Everquest Leveling Guide, The Darkened Sea Everquest Leveling Guide, The Broken Mirror Everquest Leveling Guide, Empires of Kunark Everquest Leveling Guide. This is Tier 4 for Veil so things hit hard, but not that hard. At 65 I like to head up to the second levels and kill the higher level guys there. Everquest AFK Leveling Missions - MMOBugs These can quickly take you to 64-65. When you first zone in, the closest mobs are farmers and tired farmers. Don't bother with one of the far flung camps. AFK Pet/Merc Leveling??? - EQ2 Forum Archive @ EQ2Wire A bunch of the missions and HAs are actually really fun too if done once or twice. This is a list of all the / type commands which can be used in Everquest. When you suspend your mercenary the button will change to Unsuspend. If you hit "M" you can see your map. You dont really explain where things are/how to get there. If you dont want to deal with killing them, run down until you see the trees and start killing mosstrooper treants. Edited in general directions to each zone and a blurb about the benefits of being on a live server. It's accessible at level 75, so you can have J5 mercs 10 levels early. I also find levitation to be a must as the zone is divided by a giant canyon and you spawn on the wrong side of the canyon. If you're actually grinding, the entire cave and temple area will give you a lot faster progress just walking through, changing your speed and pull-numbers depending on your level (at the beginning, just pull 2-4 at a time, later on you can start pulling entire sections). They like to run, so bring a snare. This is the furthest zone you can get to without progression unless they've removed requirements. Here are some suggestions as to how to use these areas to hit max level. Nameds here hit like runaway freight trains though. Everquest Leveling Guide 1 - 95 - MMORPG Tips By MMORPG.GG The exp is ludicrously fast thanks to low HP mobs and repeatable quests. EQ Test Server: Play for Free as a Gold Member, A Site Dedicated to EverQuest (EQ) and the upcoming EverQuest Next (EQN), Phinigel TLP Server Leveling for Human Paladin @, EverQuest AFK Leveling (and AA) Guide: Its all about 3Boxing, Camp Info AC: 25 Aug Flameshield Stone Pyrilen Riftseeker @, Camp Info AC: 20 Aug Ground Murkglider Eyes Blind Hunter Rekamu MPG Expansion: OOW .