The success of Kaiser Permanente thrives on the accuracy of information and organization in all work that they do. "I have a clean criminal record and am happy to comply with any background check you require of me for this role. The challenges are learning how each new hire learns and the best approach to teaching each new hire.". For example - Does your ability to calmly share facts with empathy and answer any follow-up questions help patients relax and adapt to the change in their situation? If you have an interview for a job at Kaiser Permanente then this is the video that you need to watch in full to help you prepare great answers that will hel. Kaiser Permanente takes great pride in having a very positive and nurturing environment. If it is fair to ask, can you talk about the type of environment I would be joining at Kaiser Permanente? It has kaiser questions . But her prescription was on troubleshoot, and no one order it. I make sure to practice empathy. My approach is to be empathetic, soft-spoken, and truthful. Perhaps you have a keen eye for detail. ", "Yes, I handle all of these administrative tasks in my current role. Know peds RSV scenerio : it's big now on the news . New hires were appreciative of learning one on one. Application Timeline | Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of I learned a lot from this situation that I think I can bring to the Kaiser Permanente team. So my wife currently works for Kaiser Permanente as an AAR (aka a membership auditor). Display to the interviewer that you are capable of problem-solving within the workplace by talking about a specific time when you were creative, proactive, and displayed the leadership qualities required to resolve a workplace issue. We also met the needs of our team by protecting the positive culture we had worked so hard to create. When we become working adults, it is this fact that can help bring many ideas to the table in a work environment. What questions did they ask during your interview at Kaiser Permanente A career in healthcare can be emotional at times; however, I choose to focus on the positives. At Kaiser Permanente, integrity is held in the highest regard. ", "Having worked in the healthcare field for seven years now, I have really grown to appreciate the importance of continuing medical education and I jump at any chance to further my knowledge base in the field. ", "As I look back on my career and my life outside of work, my greatest weakness has always been my avoidance of conflict. It seems you have found that balance. I also check what's low and order specialty if it's a fast mover. They are also looking to hear that you understand the greater role this job plays in providing excellent service to the patients and fellow colleagues that you would be serving in this role. Bringing up points of being compensated in relation to experience is important because it shows the interviewer that you understand the basic principles of compensation philosophy. Furthermore, I consider my coworkers in other departments as part of my customer base because my work can often have an impact on their work. I returned to the US just last month and had been actively looking for work the past couple of weeks. Interview answers were first added by Ryan Brunner on an unknown date, Interview questions were first added on August 9th, 2016, Interview questions and answers were updated by Ryan Brunner on September 20th, 2018, 1 community answer was added by Lauren McCabe on October 22nd, 2019, 1 community answer was added by Lauren McCabe on October 23rd, 2019, 5 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on November 27th, 2019, 1 community answer was added by Rachelle Enns on November 28th, 2019, 8 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on November 29th, 2019, 7 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on November 30th, 2019, 1 community answer was added by Rachelle Enns on December 3rd, 2019, 1 community answer was added by Rachelle Enns on December 4th, 2019, Interview questions and answers were updated by Rachelle Enns on January 26th, 2020, 2 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on May 8th, 2020, 6 community answers were added by Rachelle Enns on May 9th, 2020, 112 questions and/or answers were updated by Ryan Brunner on November 21st, 2021, Checked for grammar and spelling mistakes by Crystal Goines on November 21st, 2021, 1 community answer was added by Kevin Downey on June 28th, 2022. I hope to involve them in various Kaiser community volunteering opportunities.". My organized and efficient communication skills will be an asset to Radiology when communicating with other departments.". This is one of the reasons I have applied with Kaiser Permanente. Ask The Interviewer: Work From Home Edition, Cover Letters are Hard to Write, But This is Why They Matter. ", "I will learn fast all I need to know to better help patients so I can answer their questions and make them feel cared for and improve patient care.". Your answer shows the interviewer that you can work well with almost anyone. If possible, pick a weakness that is not a core skill for the position you are interviewing for. I volunteered setting up and dismantling a children's consignment sale for 13 years prior to Covid. Now, I make sure that I find that healthy mix of providing friendly care to my patients while being timely on my rounds. Consumer Sign On| Kaiser Permanente I am very fortunate to be where I am at today, and I think it is vital that people lend their time and efforts to help those that are less fortunate. While there is no right or wrong answer to this question, be sure to speak with honesty and confidence in explaining how you interact as part of a larger team. ", "You are searching for someone with 5 years' experience and I have two. As a successful nurse, at this point in my career, I got to where I am at today by providing the best customer service in the clinical environment by building great relationships with my patients. Discuss how you can thrive in this role, even during the most stressful times. "I handle stress very well, and when you call my references, they will attest to this fact. You also made sure to take action so that this did not happen again. ", "In my current position, we were running into several issues about a year ago that involved the inventory and stocking of supplies in patient rooms. Assure the interviewer that you can handle this type of task in a transparent, empathetic, and professional manner. Assure the interviewer that you are able and willing to pass a complete background check if hired at Kaiser Permanente. The chatbot function asks candidates about the basic skills and experience necessary for the job and can also answer basic questions about the job, salary, and other aspects. ", "When I applied for this position, I fully understood that I didn't meet the experience requirements for this position. I love working as part of a team and my colleagues take well to my personality. As the manager, I knew I could not let this behavior continue. The interviewer would like to know if you understand what it takes to keep on top of ordering medical supplies and inventory if hired at Kaiser Permanente. By talking to them, explaining how important it is for them to take their prescriptions daily, and offer them auto-fill on their prescriptions, and enroll them on ready reminder will help them take better care of their health.". The lady said she needed the medicine that day, and if she didn't have it that day, she will go to a hospital and send the bill to us. I cope with these emotions by telling myself that it's not my story, it's the patient's story. But when I'm home, I don't think about work. Your interviewer will be looking to hear that you have done your research on Kaiser Permanente and that you'll thrive in their workplace culture. You've done well by answering diplomatically. ", "Throughout my career, I've always loved working as part of large, inter-departmental teams where my leadership skills can fully be utilized to bring out the best in people. Contact us here. ", "I believe I am a great problem solver because I am sure to gather as many facts as possible in any given situation. Your interviewer would like to hear a story regarding how you were able to take an uncomfortable, or hostile situation, and turn things around into a positive experience. Discuss the reasons why will you be great at this job. It seems you would be a wonderful teammate to have around. Most interviewers will interpret a cliche response like that as dodging the question. Instead of scheduling, they had these 'drop-in mornings' with a common waiting room. Prior to bringing in representatives from three hand-selected companies, I brought up the idea of getting references on them first. Stress can often be a regular part of the day-to-day work experience, especially in healthcare. I believe that building a strong rapport with patients through trust, empathy, and compassion is the key to a successful healthcare organization and I can't wait to bring these qualities to the patients of Kaiser Permanente. By initiating an open conversation with this person, we were able to uncover his need. Find additional company focused interview questions by practicing from one of our industry sets. In my current organization, I have been picking up extra shifts in family medicine to expand my skills. This is a very good example of your problem resolution skills. Working in a very stressful and draining job, I also ensure that I take time to refresh and reset myself during long days on the job. ", "This is a great question. After interviewing at Kaiser Permanente, 69% of 2,186 respondents said that they felt really excited to work there. In my search for a new position, it was important for me to find a new employer that embraces diversity & inclusion in their workforce and I'm confident I found that here at Kaiser Permanente. You are showing the interviewer that you are highly capable in either situation. You can be candid in your answer; recognizing that you aren't great at something and acknowledging your need to improve. Well done! "I have experience in ordering medical supplies and maintaining inventory. Discuss the ways that you would build strong and healthy relationships if hired. I also receive emails from different pharmacy pages with interesting articles.". At Kaiser Permanente, teamwork truly does make the dream work for the patients and families that rely on the organization to provide world-class care. "The part of my career that brings me the most stress is when the schedule is running behind due to many different factors. Lastly, it's a great idea to ask the interviewer what resources they refer to for industry trends. Did you consider that the patient's physical pain or feeling ill would make his temper short? I listen, mirror, validate, and empathize. ", "I like my job, and I enjoy what I do. Using a text messaging system, health care giant Kaiser Permanente signs up more than 11,000 of its neediest California members for government subsidies from CalFresh, so they can buy groceries. Do you consider yourself a compassionate person? Perhaps you are watching TED talks to gain skills in a particular area, reading the latest-and-greatest book on the subject, or maybe you are taking a seminar at a nearby community center. I would look forward to working in an organization of this size to better experience an even wider amount of diversity. During training sessions, I take a methodical and knowledgeable approach with my students and keep an open ear for questions. Either way, be honest with the interviewer about your preferences without leaning negatively, either way. Kaiser Permanente Interview Questions (2023) | Glassdoor I am a very hard worker who is eager to become a team member with Kaiser.". This shows the interviewer that you've done your research and aren't answering vaguely. ", "Having spent my career working in healthcare education with large institutions, my customers are the employees that I train and the educational materials vendors that I work with on a daily basis. It is essential to keep a healthy work/life balance to prevent burnout in any career and your interviewer at Kaiser Permanente wants to hear that you have the ability to do this. ", "I am an avid fan of Google alerts! It sounds as though you are highly organized and methodical in your work. Excellent! Last, I adapt to the individual. I think it's okay to be moved by someone else's experience, but I don't need to make it mine. ", Choose one of our practice interviews to help you better prepare for your upcoming interview, Be sure to check out our other company interview question sets, This company typically hires for the following careers, use these career-focused practice sets to help you win your interview. Ben Richardson, a principal in McKinsey's London office, conducted the . Your interviewer knows that any candidate they select for this role at Kaiser Permanente isn't perfect and comes with an area or two for improvement. I discussed with hospital credentialing and became the first PA proctor in our Heath system. It sounds like you handled this matter with utmost urgency and great customer care. "I dislike working in a negative, low morale environment that is plagued with office politics. Explore. Our goal is to create interview questions and answers that will best prepare you for your interview, and that means we do not want you to memorize our answers. 2,417 Kaiser Permanente Interview Questions & Answers (2023) Talk to your interviewer about continuing education you have participated in recently, any conferences you regularly attend, or any seminars you have taken in your field. ", "The people on the frontlines of a business are vital to the success of any organization. While working with patients, the difficulty usually stems from fear of the unknown about their health, I try to be more empathetic and talk to them truthfully about the procedure. Your role with the organization could potentially put you in front of patients, vendors, or family members of patients, and all are considered customers of the organization. If I am offered a position with Kaiser Permanente, you will never find me to be disorganized! Make sure to avoid speaking negatively of anyone, and be sure to end your response with a positive. ", "Outside of my excellent clinical skills, the biggest attribute that I will bring to the table for Kaiser Permanente is my empathetic approach to treating patients. ", "I believe in volunteering in the community where you live. With the new information you have gained during the interview, think about the job and consider if the offer is what you need and want. At the end of the day, many role titles are fluid. Discuss with the interviewer what you would expect for compensation if offered this position. "If I could expand my expertise in any medical specialty, I would choose anything within primary care. This illustrates your ability to transform stress into action, successfully turning a negative into a positive, to accomplish your goal. In addition to this, I also subscribe to a couple of medical-related journals, including the NEJM. There are no other roles for that position". With this question, the interviewer is trying to get an idea of how you interact with challenging people, such as a coworker who is hard to please or has a tendency to intimidate others. Maybe you are a pen and paper person. You may also excel as an empathetic listener, able to help resolve conflict and build strong relationships. I like to get to know people and ask them questions about themselves. Talk to the interviewer about how you can maintain that appropriate balance for yourself. Dental benefits. When the pharmacist noticed I fix my mistake, and from that day, I double-check the quantity in the bottles in case the quantity changes.". Takes notes when I have to and double-check my work to make sure it's done right like typing prescriptions. Do you tend to take on a formal leadership role or tend to lead by example in more of a supportive position? You may work well without the need for much management or direction, or perhaps you are better driven in a collaborative and team-led environment. One is ABC, and the other is XYZ. Here at Kaiser Permanente, I would look forward to being the ideas person on your team and also expanding my confidence and skill set in taking the lead on some projects. Early in my career, I probably worried too much about the fear of failure with my patients.